WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.
I finally finished the yarn I spun last fall, which I’m calling ‘Vulpes’ because the colors remind me of a red fox. The yarn ended about a fingering weight, with a few slightly thicker sections. The singles needed plying for stability, but my attempt at chain-plying wasn’t working well, so I decided to try plying it with heavy-duty sewing thread for stability. I like the finished effect, except for the knots where I had to join two ends of thread together. Hopefully, when I knit this up, I’ll be able to hide those knots.
I’m not sure what this is going to become. Possibly a scarf or cowl? There are two skeins of it, so there’s plenty for either. (Only one skein is pictured here.)

Close-up of ‘Vulpes.’ Hand-dyed BFL, spun by me and then thread-plied. (photo © 2019 The Bookwyrm’s Hoard)
I wanted to show you the projects I was working on for Christmas, but alas, I didn’t get good photos of my mom’s shawl, and the other gift… isn’t finished yet. There are still a lot of ends to weave in still. Needless to say, I haven’t given that one to the recipient yet! I’m still working on it, a matching one for someone else, and a pair of socks for myself. Next time I post, I’ll do better with photos, I promise.
By the way, if you’re a fiber crafter and want to friend me on Ravelry, please do! You can find me here.
Anne - Books of My Heart
I love to see this! Spinning is beyond me. And I haven’t had time to knit for the past week either.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Audio: Watcher in the Woods by Kelley Armstrong
Thanks! I’m still very much in the learning stages when it comes to spinning. I’ve had my wheel for just under a year, and not a lot of time to spin. Or knit, for that matter! But I’m trying to build more time for fiber into my week.
I love the skein of wool – what beautiful colours…
Thank you! The colors are thanks to indie dyer Llady Llama Fiber Co.