WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.

Tour de Fleece is over. My goal was to spin at least 15 minutes a day; most days, I did more than that. I finished spinning up the “Neverland” merino I was working on, and it’s beautiful (if I say so myself!) I also spun over 2 oz. of Black Welsh Mountain wool, as part of my project to try different breeds’ wool. And I washed some of the lamb fleece I was given, and have carded a little bit of it–enough to think that at least some of it is spinnable.
“Neverland” yarn. 100% merino hand-painted by Becoming Art. Spun by me (Lark).
I’ve been working on this “Tilly’s Blanket” for our great-niece, but since she decided to put in an early appearance, it obviously wasn’t ready for her. So I’m going to whip up a quick hat in a preemie size to send now, and I’ll send the blanket whenever I finish it. My sock project hasn’t gotten much attention, but I’ll get back to the socks when I get these other projects done! I also have a secret project that’s basically finished, but needs the ends woven in before I can give it to the recipient. (A lot of ends. Because stripes. Sigh.)

Pattern: Tilly’s Blanket by Auroraknit (Ravelry.) Knitting as of 7/31/2019. I’ve still got a long way to go.
Are you making anything right now? Please tell me about it!
Brooke Lorren
That is a gorgeous color for that blanket! I’m writing a book (or two, or three) right now, but I also have a cross-stitch project and a scarf I need to do for my daughter (hopefully the scarf before winter?).
Brooke Lorren recently posted…Of Curses and Kisses Cover Reveal!
Thanks, Brooke. Wow, a book or two or three? That’s great! And good luck with your cross-stitch and scarf. Are you knitting, crocheting, or weaving the scarf?
Wow impressive. I love the purple for the blanket- that’ll look nice.
I wanted something that had a little more zing than the usual pastels!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
That’s some lovely yarn for the TdF! I love the way the Neverland yarn spun up, and would completely agree that the pictures of the rolags from your fleece look very spinnable. Spinning from different fiber prep is a lot of fun, I hope you enjoy the experience! A couple years ago for TdF I set myself a challenge to spin from new-to-me fiber prep, and I spun some rolags (fun), pencil roving (a little too easy, if that makes sense), and an art batt (really unique, but took a bit more focus to make the yarn I wanted).
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Discworld Read-A-Long 2019: July Recap
Thank you, Nicole! I’m looking forward to trying out the lamb fleece, once I have enough carded to make a decent amount of yardage. I’m also looking forward to trying more breeds, and some different preps. I have a yak-silk blend I’m dying to try, but I’m so afraid of messing it up! I’ll probably wait until I have a bit more experience. And I have an art batt, and some Shetland, some Gotland, and some Jacob wools in their natural colors, plus assorted hand-dyed braids in fibers I have spun before (BFL, merino, Polwarth…) This is a very addictive hobby!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
It really is addictive! I think when I started (many years ago now, wow) one of my earliest projects after my “training fiber” was to spin a silk hankie. This was in the days BEFORE YOUTUBE, believe it or not, and so I had no idea how one was supposed to spin a silk hankie. I mean, it worked out okay, but I’ve since gone back and spun silk again, and it’s a really different process done correctly to what I did that first time. (And yet, I still wear the scarf I knitted from that first silk I spun, so it worked out just fine.)
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Cover Redesigns I Loved / Hated
Anne - Books of My Heart
All the pretties! I could barely look at them a month ago since I had NO time for any crafting. I hope I can finally get back to it after this weekend.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Audio: Save Your Breath by Melinda Leigh
I hope you can, too, Anne! I was hoping to post a WIP Wednesday this week, showing my progress on the baby blanket, but I discovered a couple of errors and had to rip out about 3.5 or 4 inches of it. (There may have been tears and swearing involved.) So it will have to wait until there’s actual progress to show…