I’m signing up for the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. I never seem to to very well with one-month challenges, so I’m going to go relatively easy on myself for this one, and challenge myself to read 5 ARCs during the month of May. Some of them might end up being older ones I haven’t gotten to yet. If I can do more than 5, that will be great, but I only read 4 ARCs in April (I’ve been cutting back a bit to make time for TBR list books.)
Here are a few of the forthcoming titles I’m looking at:
- A New Hope (Robyn Carr)
- Kiss Me (Susan Mallery)
- Dressed to Kill (Lynn Cahoon)
- Victorian Fairy Tales
- Uprooted (Naomi Novik)
- The Case of the Dotty Dowager (Cathy Ace)
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Hm, this would be a good thing to do. I have so many May ARCs on my pile! Victorian Fairy Tales is one of them…
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week: A Visit to Torminster (with Giveaway!)
I have way too many ARCs! I’ve got some older ones I really need to get to, plus about 7 forthcoming books (to be published from May through August.) At the same time, I’m trying to make time to read books from my TBR list and also have time to re-read old favorites.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Oooo, Victorian Fairy Tales! That looks excellent. I’m also doing the challenge but like you my goal is low. May is going to be insane for me. 🙁
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Cat Thursday: Hand Over the Food and No One Gets Hurt
So far, I haven’t gotten further than the intro of Victorian Fairy Tales – I keep getting distracted by other books. Hopefully I can finish it this week!