As I have for the last three or four years, I’m signing up for the Cruisin’ Thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2016 hosted by Yvonne at Socrates’ Book Reviews. I know I said I’m cutting back on challenges this year, but I’ve done this one for several years now, and I always enjoy it. It’s a low-pressure challenge, and I’ve even dialed my goal back this year. I’ll be going for the Super Sleuth level: 13-20 books.
Yvonne leaves the interpretation of “cozy” up to the reader/reviewer, and there’s no monthly check-in, just a single page where you sign up and leave your reviews. (Be careful to add reviews to the review linky, not the sign-up linky.) She makes it so easy, I have every confidence that I can complete this challenge!
Actually, half the fun for me is reading other people’s reviews and discovering new mystery authors. That’s partly how I became interested in Tasha Alexander over the last few years. So if you like cozies or just mysteries in general, why not join the challenge?
Here’s how I’m doing so far:
Cruisin' Thru the Cozies 2016

Host: Socrates\' Book Reviews
Progress: 3/13 (23%)
1 January, 2016 — 31 December, 2016
- Switcheroo by Aaron Elkins
- The Case of the Missing Morris Dancer by Cathy Ace
- A Clue in the Stew by Connie Archer
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
Good luck! I’ll probably do this one next year. I’ve reached my challenge limit for this year. Really need to focus on NetGalley, but I have been loving every cozy mystery I see! …Which means I have 25646541 of them. 😀
LOL! I need to focus on NetGalley, too — clearing my backlog and staying on top of what I request. But I had factored this challenge in when I thought about challenges for the year. I think three year-long challenges will probably be my limit, and the occasional COYER or other shorter-duration challenge (but not simultaneously.)
Literary Feline
Good luck with this challenge! I enjoy cozies, although admit I tend to read other types of mysteries more often.
Literary Feline recently posted…Bookish Thoughts: The Night Parade by Kathryn Tanquary
Thank you! My definition of “cozy” is a bit broader than the norm, which is why I like the “define-it-yourself” nature of this challenge — I can include many historicals and even some that might technically be police procedurals but have more of a cozy feel (like Catherine Aird’s Inspector Sloan series — set mostly in the rural villages and market towns of a fictional British county, with a Christie-esque feel.)