I’ve been doing really badly with challenges this year, but I’m going to give COYER another try this winter, because I really do enjoy the community and camaraderie that Michelle and Berls create/foster around this challenge. Besides, I have (cough) plenty of review copies I need to read and review!
Michelle and Berls blog at Because Reading; they’re wonderful women and you should check out their blog as well as the challenge website.
COYER Winter 2018 will run from December 1, 2018 to March 2, 2019.
- Read Your E-Reads! Every book you read MUST be in an electronic format – meaning E-Book or Audiobook. It’s okay to start a book before December 1st, but you must be less than half way for it to count, then review it during COYER.
- The books must be FREE or NEARLY FREE! This includes review books, tour books, NetGalley, Edelweiss, etc. What’s nearly free? No more than $2 for eBooks and no more than $5 for Audiobooks (or the equivalent in your currency). This does NOT include library books, borrowed books, or Kindle Unlimited books.
- Announce your participation! This can be a blog post (or if you don’t have a blog – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Booklikes, Goodreads, Shelfari, etc.) If you want to list books you would like to read, that’s great, but not necessary. The point is to let everyone know you’re committed to COYER, maybe share some goals, and help spread the word.
- Link up! Link that post (not just your blog homepage) to the linky below. (remember if you signed up before our site crashed we need you to sign up again)
- Review & Link Reviews! Your review may be on your blog, Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc. Link the review to the Review Linky (which will be available on the kick off post on December 1st).
- Because Reading is giving away (2) $10 Gift Cards. One is for the review link and the other is for a goody type of giveaway. It will be for readathons, participating, visiting, etc. We (the hosts) will have all the info on the kick off post.
- Visit Each Other, Chat & Have Fun!
There you have it. Pretty basic. Read a free/cheap ebook, review, link your review. Rinse and repeat. You don’t even have to set a specific goal*, which is good for me; it gives me the freedom to participate without feeling guilty about whether I’m meeting my quota. That means every qualifying book I read, review, and link is a win for me, and that’s exactly what I need from a challenge right now.
I have an absolute ton of books to choose from, thanks to NetGalley, Edelweiss, Kindle Daily Deals, and other ebook sales. Since the challenge has no theme beyond “read cheap ebooks,” that frees me up to be the mood reader I am at heart. On any given day, I should be able to find something appealing in my vast treasure-trove of ARCs and Kindle bargains!
*Of course, to set up a challenge in UBB,† I’ll have to set a goal. I’m going to set it really low, and revise upward as needed. If I can’t manage to review 6 qualifying books in 3 months, I’m a sorry excuse for a blogger.
† the Ultimate Book Blogger plug-in. I highly recommend it, if you’re on self-hosted WordPress.