


My Reading Challenges for 2023

My Reading Challenges for 2023

Every year, I swear I will keep my reading challenges to a minimum. But once again, I am probably signing up for too many challenges in 2023. The thing is, these are all challenges I want to do, because they help with my reading goals. It’s just that keeping track… Read more »


It’s time for COYER Seasons: Spring 2021

It’s time for COYER Seasons: Spring 2021

COYER now runs all year, and has built a whole community of readers and bloggers. For 2021, it has become 2 separate but connected challenges: COYER Seasons and COYER Community (the latter takes place mostly within the Facebook group.) I am participating in both all year. The Spring Season runs from… Read more »


Joining COYER Quarantine Edition

Joining COYER Quarantine Edition

COYER is now year-round! That’s right! Michelle and Berls at Because Reading have decided to make the COYER (Clean Out Your E-Reader) Challenge a year-round challenge, with special events throughout the year. They have just rolled out COYER Quarantine Edition, which will run through August 31. The basic, all-year COYER… Read more »


COYER Winter 2019 sign-up

COYER Winter 2019 sign-up

I debated long and hard over whether to do the Winter COYER (Clean Out Your E-Reader) challenge this year. I’m behind on some of my challenges already, and I’ve been such a mood reader this year that it’s been hard to stick to challenges. But then I looked at how… Read more »


I’m giving it a shot: #COYER Winter 2018

I’m giving it a shot: #COYER Winter 2018

  I’ve been doing really badly with challenges this year, but I’m going to give COYER another try this winter, because I really do enjoy the community and camaraderie that Michelle and Berls create/foster around this challenge. Besides, I have (cough) plenty of review copies I need to read and review!… Read more »


COYER Summer Birthday Bash – My Goals

COYER Summer Birthday Bash – My Goals

The COYER Big Summer Birthday Bash has started! COYER stands for “Clean Out Your E-Reader,” but for a while now, the summer COYER event has allowed print and audiobooks in addition to ebooks. The challenge is sponsored by Michelle and Berls of Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life. This… Read more »


COYER Summer Vacation Is Here Again!

COYER Summer Vacation Is Here Again!

Hosted by Berls @ Fantasy Is More Fun, Michelle @ Because Reading, and Stormi @ Books, Movies, Review! Oh My! It’s COYER Challenge time again, and the hosts are planning another “Summer Vacation” like last summer’s challenge. That means that any book counts: ARCs, books you bought, borrowed books, regardless of… Read more »
