GoodReads Challenge
I’m 31 books ahead of schedule!
The Backlist Reader Challenge
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2017

Host: The Bookwyrms Hoard
Progress: 0/24 (0%)
The Backlist Reader Challenge runs all year (and is hosted here on The Bookwyrm’s Hoard.) It’s a chance to focus on those older titles you’ve been wanting to read. You can check out all the rules by clicking here.
I’ve read 19 books so far this year that qualify for The Backlist Reader Challenge, but I didn’t read any in May. (Only reviewed books show up in the progress bar and are listed above. You can see my as-yet-unreviewed books here.)
Clean Sweep ARC Challenge 2017

Host: The Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Progress: 0/8 (0%)
1 May, 2017 — 31 May, 2017
The Clean Sweep ARC Challenge
The Clean Sweep ARC Challenge 2017 ran from May 1 to May 31, 2017. My goal was to read 8 ARCs/review copies. I blew it; I only read 4 (I’m partway through a fifth book, but that doesn’t count.) Two reviewed books show up in the progress bar and are listed above; below are the titles whose reviews haven’t posted yet.
- Escape To You by Jennifer Ryan (Montana Heat #1) – Goodreads mini-review. Full review will post in August 2017.
- The Girl Who Knew Too Much by Amanda Quick – Goodreads mini-review. Full review will post soon.
I’m well ahead of schedule for my Goodreads Reading Challenge, thanks to rereading a ton of previously-read books this spring. (Thanks, mono. I’d rather have had more energy to read new-to-me books, but oh, well.) I’m still ahead of schedule on The Backlist Reader Challenge, but I need to get a lot of reviews written–and I need to get back to reading backlist books. I didn’t do well on the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge, but at least I got four ARCs read and their reviews written and scheduled.
I’m still debating whether to participate in the summer COYER challenge. I think I need to take a break from challenges for a while. Still, it’s pretty flexible this time around, so I may join in anyway.
That’s great that you are so far ahead with your Goodreads challenge!
Cindy recently posted…Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate
Thank you, Cindy! Full disclosure: I’m that far ahead because of all the books I re-read while I was sick for a month or more. I couldn’t concentrate on my freelance work for very long, so I had time on my hands, and I didn’t have the mental energy to read many new books, so I reread books from my shelves. Now I need to get back to reading new books (or at least, books I haven’t read before.)
Five is an accomplishment Lark. I need to start kicking butt on the Backlist challenge
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…The Dead Zone by Stephen King
I didn’t quite finish the fifth — oops! I’ll edit the post. 🙂 But even 4 is good; I hardly read any ARCs the previous month, and I’m a bit behind. And I need to get back to The Backlist Challenge, too; it also fell by the wayside last month.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
4 and a little more is still progress! That’s 4 less you have in your backlog! I need to do the Backlist Challenge. I have so many older books I want to read but new shinier books keep pushing themselves up to the front. Good luck with your challenges in June!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Until You – Contemporary Romance Review
And so it is—good point! As for The Backlist Reader Challenge, you’re welcome to join anytime. But I know what you mean about the shiny new books…
Rita @ Paging Through Books
I was signed up for this at the beginning of the year– and then I changed my blog— and forgot about any of my previous challenges. I didn’t want to get pulled back into memes, hops, giveaways, or challenges but hey…. I’m nothing if not inconsistent 🙂
So… signing up again for this challenge only for this year, because I need to read some of my older books!! Because of moving & less $, I reluctantly signed up for NG again, and downloaded a couple of books to supplement my stack (why, I don’t know, lol– I have many unread books). That’s where your challenge comes in. I have to nudge myself to look at the “shelves” on both Kindles.
Keep up the good work with your personal challenges. So many books read so far this year– yay!
Rita @ Paging Through Books recently posted…What I Read in May 2017
I’m glad you’ll be joining back in, and hope you find a good balance for yourself between new books and older titles. 🙂