Books Read – June 2024

Title links (if there are any) go to my reviews.
- The Blue Sword (Robin McKinley) – reread
- Never Pick Up Hitch-Hikers! (Ellis Peters) – reread
- Mind Games (Nora Roberts) – ARC; reread
- Legacy (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Identity (Nora Roberts) – reread (reviewed 4/28/2023)
- Black Hills (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Hideaway (Nora Roberts) – reread; review scheduled for July
- Wait Until Midnight (Amanda Quick)
- Montana Sky (Nora Roberts) – reread; library book
- When a Dragon Comes Courting (Claire Trella Hill) – novella

- A Desperate Fortune (Susanna Kearsley; read by Katherine Kellgren) – reread
- Bellewether (Susanna Kearsley; read by Tim Campbell, Sarah Mollo-Christensen, and Megan Tusing) – reread (paperback reviewed 8/06/2018)
These are the books I read for various challenges. Since I have not written or posted all the reviews yet, some may not show up on my 2024 Challenges tracking page (which isn’t working yet anyway.) All links go to my reviews.
Goodreads Challenge 2024: 12 books read or listened to in June. 81 books read this year so far, toward my year-end goal of 125 books. (Titles listed above.) This puts me 19 books ahead for the year so far. NOTE: Goodreads said the total on July 30 was 84 rather than 81 by my count. One of the “extra” titles is a short story, which I am not counting as a book. Another of the extras is a duplicate (Wards of the Roses), which GR thinks I read twice in February, even though the “read” dates only show one set of dates for that month. And I haven’t figured out where the third extra book is coming from.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2024: 0 qualifying books read or reviewed in June. For the year so far, 5 books read and 3 reviewed, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 16 books. That means I am pretty far behind on his challenge.
Audiobook Challenge 2024: 2 audiobooks listened to (A Desperate Fortune; Bellewether) and 0 audiobooks reviewed in June. (I reviewed Bellewether several years ago.) For the year, I have listened to 8 books and reviewed 3, toward my year-end goal of 10 books... which puts me about at the halfway point of the challenge.
Library Love 2024: 1 books read (Montana Sky) and 0 books reviewed in June, although I hope to review Montana Sky in July. So far this year, I have read 3 books and reviewed 2, toward my year-end goal of 12 books. Yeah, I’m pretty far behind on this one, too.
NetGalley & Edelweiss Challenge 2024: 0 books read in June. I did post 1 review for an ARC I read earlier this year (The Love Remedy), but no reviews for ARCS I read in 2023 or earlier but had never reviewed. For the year so far, 15 books read and 8 books reviewed, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 15 books. That’s not too bad; I have a chance of completely the challenge by the end of the year. Current NetGalley percentage: still 52%; I started the year at 52%.
COYER Unwind, Chapter 2 (Spring): In June, I read or listened to 11 qualifying* books (everything except Black Hills counts toward the challenge.) I reviewed none of them, but I did post a review for 1 book I read since April 1 for Chapter 2 (The Love Remedy). The Chapter 2 challenge ended June 30. So far, I have read or listened to 18 qualifying* books and reviewed 4 of them. My 3-month challenge goal was to read and review 10 qualifying books between April 1 and June 30, so while I read more than my goal, I failed to review enough to meet the challenge.
*To qualify for the Spring COYER challenge, (A) the book could be in any format, including both digital and print. (B) I had to own it or borrow it (from the library, Amazon Prime, or a friend.) ARCs counted, but books from subscription services like Kindle Unlimited or Audible Plus did NOT qualify. (C) If I paid for it, the book had to cost less than $5 for an ebook or print book, or less than $7.50 for an audiobook. Chapter 2 of the COYER Unwind Challenge began on April 1 and ended on June 30.
Resolutions (this month)
Writing: Days I wrote: 15 of 30. Number of words written: 9246 (the goal was 7500). I hope to do better in July for Camp NaNoWriMo, but I’m still pretty happy with what I’ve done. Most of it is on a fanfic, which I’m using to practice several skills. NOTE: I’m taking this goal month by month; I don’t have a yearly goal.
Reviews posted this month: Only 2 (Two Tales of the Iron Druid Chronicles; The Love Remedy), so I failed to meet my goal of one review per week… and I am now way behind for the year.
Reviews of ARCs from 2023 or earlier: 0 older ARCs reviewed, so I failed to meet my goal of one way-overdue ARC per month. So far this year, I’ve written only 1 review for ARCs from 2023 or earlier, so it I am way behind the halfway mark for this goal.
Prioritizing reading time over screen time: Actually, I have been prioritizing writing time over screen time. Well, sort of. Unfortunately, I have been prioritizing reading time over sleep.
Pruning and reorganizing my book collection: Books sold or given away: none this month that I can recall. Physical books bought/received: 0 this month.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Well you have goals and you have made progress. Baby steps are better than no steps.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon #RubyDixon @WattpadBooks @SnyderBridge4