October Books I’m Looking Forward To

Fireborne by Rosaria Munda (10/15/2019) YA fantasy with dragons and dragonriders. Need I say more?

A Bitter Feast by Deborah Crombie (10/08/2019) Crombie is a terrific writer and an equally good plotter. Her mysteries are perceptive, written with a deft touch and quiet compassion for her characters. I’m way behind in the series, but I’m eager to catch up.

The Dark Lord Clementine by Sarah Jean Horwitz (10/01/2019) The daughter of a cursed and dying Dark Lord discovers that maybe… just maybe… she doesn’t want to be a Dark Lord after all. Add in humor, witches and even a unicorn, and this MG fantasy sounds like a winner.
Other October Books I’m Looking Forward To
- The Bodies in the Library by Marty Wingate (10/08/2019)
- The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson (10/15/2019)
- Read and Buried by Eva Gates (10/15/2019)
- Meant to be Yours by Susan Mallery (10/22/2019)
- The Case of the Spellbound Child by Mercedes Lackey (10/29/2019)
What are you looking forward to reading this month?
Ooh Fireborn sounds like my kind of book! I’ll look forward to hearing what you think of it! I’m so behind on books, I’ve kind of lost touch with new releases.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
None of the books I’m looking forward to reading this month were released this month. 🙂 I just started Bradbury’s The Halloween Tree, since that seemed appropriate for the season. I’m also hoping to get to The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton and Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim this month.
I hope you enjoy your new reads!
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Anne - Books of My Heart
I’m excited for A Bitter Feast on audio for review!
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