News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- New Conservation Effort Aims to Protect Papa’s Papers (NPR) With Cuba now more open to Americans, an effort is underway to preserve Hemingway’s papers at his Havana home.
- Authors Guild Petitions Supreme Court to Hear Google Case (Publishers Weekly) The Supreme Court hasn’t tackled a major fair use case in at least 20 years.
- DOJ Urges Supreme Court to Deny Apple’s E-Book Appeal (Publishers Weekly)
- NYT Launches New Sci-Fi Book Column (GalleyCat) to be written by N. K. Jemison (who talks about it here.) . I think this goes under the category of “high time.”
- The British Library celebrates the 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland with an exhibit featuring Lewis Carroll’s original manuscript and illustrated editions by Arthur Rackham, Mervyn Peake, Salvador Dali, and others.
Literary Losses
Peter Dickinson, noted and prolific author of books for both children and adults, died Dec. 16, 2015, his 88th birthday. His books spanned and often blended genres, including mystery, historical fiction, and science fiction and fantasy. Dickinson had been in poor health for several years and suffered a series of strokes in the fall of 2015. He is survived by his four children by his first marriage, and by his second wife, author Robin McKinley. Obituaries: The Guardian, The New York Times, The Telegraph
Worth Reading
- In the age of Amazon, used bookstores are making an unlikely comeback (Michael S. Rosenwald, for The Washington Post)
- Thank You, General Leia (Karen Walsh,
Book & Movie Announcements
- Neil Gaiman’s “Troll Bridge” to become graphic novel. Colleen Doran will illustrate the short-story-turned-graphic-novel, which will be published by Dark Horse Comics.
Awesome Lists
- MG and Children’s Books I’m Looking Forward To In 2016 is a wonderful list by Adriana at She’s Got Books on Her Mind.
- 10 Quotes Readers Fell In Love With This Year (Goodreads)
- Best of 2015: Top 9 Extraordinary Works of Book-Related Art (My Modern Met)
- Best Book Covers of 2015 (New York Times) They lean toward text and minimal graphics rather than pictures, and most of them aren’t my cup of tea, but it’s interesting to see what the NYT’s literary critics prefer.
Really Cool / Just for Fun

Amazingly detailed map of literature created by 17-year-old artist Martin Vargic (Buzzfeed) Click the picture or the link to see this image in a larger format, along with some sections in detail.
Bookish Quote
(Want to turn this into a bookmark? Click the image to see how.)
That’s it for this week!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Thank you! I loved the map of literature and the book art.
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Holiday break
Glad you enjoyed them! It was fun to get back to posting these after missing several weeks.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Lists! I love lists! I’ll definitely be exploring those. I’m also glad to see used bookstores are making a comeback. I love used bookstores and am very loyal to one we have here. It’s actually calling to me right now but I’m trying to resist!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime – Cookbook Review + Recipe
I love exploring used bookstores; it’s so much fun to discover books you’ve heard of but never read, or to find out-of-print books by an author you love. Sadly for me, the used bookstores in my area don’t seem to carry a lot of the books I really want, but I keep checking!
Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind
Wow. A hundred years of Alice in Wonderland and I haven’t even read the books yet. I’m such a bad reader. It’s hard for me to get into classics in general so no wonder.
Thanks so much for including me in your list! I’m feeling so special right now 😀
That map. Are you kidding me? That kid is going places.
Thank you for the bookmark!
Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind recently posted…Through the Woods by Emily Carroll
That map is really amazing, isn’t it? What a labor of love — and what talent! I’m glad you enjoyed the bookmark. As for Alice, she’s not everyone’s taste, so don’t berate yourself!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
I hope more used bookstores will pop up around me. One went out of business and another moved 45 minutes away. I agree about the NYT’s science fiction column, well past time they got one.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #174 Happy New Year!
Oh, that’s sad about your local used bookstores. I hope another will open up near you soon. And I’ll be interested to see what Jemisin highlights in the column.
Literary Feline
The map is amazing! Such detail and beautiful as well. I am glad to hear that used bookstores might be coming back. I miss having that option.
Literary Feline recently posted…Sunday Post: Happy 2016!
The map is quite extraordinary. Can you imagine how much work and attention to detail went into it?