Book News
- The 2014 National Book Awards were won by Brown Girl Dreaming (Jacqueline Woodson), Redeployment (Phil Klay), Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China (Evan Osnos), and Faithful and Virtuous Night (Louise Glück). Check out the finalists on the National Book website, and read about the award ceremony on Publishers Weekly. And read about Neil Gaiman and Ursula K. LeGuin’s remarks over at GalleyCat.
- Judge Approves Apple Settlement, But Case Is Far From Over (Andrew Albanese, Publishers Weekly)
- Amazon wins auction for .book domain name (The Bookseller)
- The Rise of the Seven-Figure Advance (Rachel Deahl, Publishers Weekly)
- The Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year is. . . vape (Oxford Dictionaries blog)
Worth Reading. . . and Watching
- Why Tamora Pierce Should Be Hollywood’s Favorite Author Right Now (i09) and the related
Tamora Pierce on the Reason Her Brilliant Books Haven’t Been Brought to the Screen (Yet) (The MarySue) - “Yesterday, A Barnes and Noble cashier” . A poem on the Alaskan Upperclassmen tumblr, about being an English major and a writer.
Sex[Gender] and Reading: A Look at Who’s Reading Whom (Goodreads) Both Goodreads and I find it amusing that of the 5 books written by “men” that were most read by women, one is The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith (aka J. K. Rowling.)- Neil Gaiman on the First Amendment and censorship:
For Writers & Bloggers
- My Writing Masterpost – a HUGE long list of links to helpful posts for writers (Madison’s Magazine tumblr)
- Fantasy Writing and Roleplay Resources – another useful list of links (roleplaygrrl tumblr)
- 100 Jobs for Fantasy Characters. Jobs for medieval- and Renaissance-type characters, beyond the usual lord/lady, knight, priest, or peasant. (Laura Harris. Fantasy Author)
- The Hero’s (or Heroic) Journey AKA The Monomyth – an infographic plus a lot of explanation. Very helpful for novel writing or literary analysis.
Awesome Lists
- 26 Of The Greatest Book Dedications You Will Ever Read (Buzzfeed). I particularly love Rick Riordan’s.
Book & Movie Announcements
Disney released a teaser trailer for its live-action Cinderella, due out in 2015. The movie will feature Lily James in the title role, with Helena Bonham Carter as the fairy godmother, Cate Blanchett as the evil stepmother, Richard Madden as Prince Charming, and Derek Jacobi as the King. Kenneth Brannagh directs. (IMDB; video via YouTube)
Bookish Quote

Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I like the Barnes and Noble poem. J and I are both very left brained and have degrees in math based subjects. We’re trying to walk the line between letting the kids be who they want to be and trying to be practical as well. I’m not sure how well I would react if one of them wanted to get a degree in English or Creative Writing. The new Cinderella movie looks great! I’m hoping it lives up to the preview.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Weekend Cooking: Thanksgiving
Our daughter is working on a degree in Literature and Writing, but also taking education courses so she can get a teaching certificate. She’s the one who pointed me to that poem – she reblogged it on her Tumblr blog.
I’m looking forward to the Cinderella movie, too. Good cast, good director – I have hopes! Also looking forward to Into the Woods. . . and of course the third and final Hobbit movie!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Amen Benedict!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Blog Tour Review And Giveaway of Fatal Brushstrokes by Sybil Johnson
Tabitha (Not Yet Read)
Can’t wait to check out some of the links.
Ok and THAT is such a weak teaser trailer – come on Disney! The Shoe…oh wait forgive me the SLIPPER – all we get is the freaking SLIPPER!? Weak (of course you know I”ll watch it though haha)
Tabitha (Not Yet Read) recently posted…Review: Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake
Oh, nuts, it looks like I embedded the wrong trailer! Thanks for letting me know; I’ll try to find the other one.