News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Worth Reading
- Renewing the Library of Congress (Bloomberg View)
- If you enjoyed a good book and you’re a woman, the critics think you’re wrong (Jennifer Weiner, for The Guardian)
- Why Books Are Comforting to Anxious People (Nicole Froio for BookRiot)
- A Penny for Your Books (Dan Nosowitz, New York Times) Ever wondered about those $0.01 books you’ve seen — and maybe bought — on Amazon? Here’s how the sellers make money on a one-cent book. (Hint: volume.)
- Two Editions Of The Same [Richard Scarry] Book Demonstrate How Our Society Has Changed In 30 Years (Laura Casely for Little Things)
Great Blog Posts
- Gnashingly Unfortunate #BookBloggerProblems (Paper Fury)
- How I Keep Organized Blogging (Rebel Mommy Book Blog)
Book & Movie Announcements
- The Little Prince trailer is out!
- Kenneth Brannagh will direct and star in Murder on the Orient Express remake. Um… I like Brannagh, but he’s all wrong for Poirot. Don’t you think? (The Guardian)
Awesome Lists
- 10 Fantasty Novels Whose Depictions of Women Did Not Make Me Want to Smash Things (guest post by Kate Elliott for B&N’s Sci-Fi & Fantasy blog)
- The Best Science-Fiction and Fantasy of 2015 (B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy blog)
- 10 of Our Favorite Literary TED Talks from 2015 (BookRiot)
- 14 Harry Potter Holiday Ornaments That Are Absolutely Magical (Buzzfeed)
- 25 Outstanding Podcasts for Readers (BookRiot)
- Buy, Borrow, Bypass: Fairy Tales for Adults (BookRiot)
Really Cool / Just for Fun
“All About Them Books” school library parody
Bookish Quote

That’s it for this week!
Cait @ Paper Fury
Eeeep. Thanks for sharing most post too!! 😀 I love that parody. I’ve seen it before and definitely snorted with the perfectness. XD
Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…What Is The Worst Type of Character Death?
I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
Thanks for sharing my post!!! This is such a great feature btw. Loved that video!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Tis the season – Bookish Gift Ideas
You’re welcome, and I’m glad you enjoyed today’s list!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Aghh, time for best of year book lists, my TBR list is exploding!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Defense against the Dark Arts: Krabat and the Sorcerer’s Mill
Mine too!
Red Iza
Thanks for sharing Dr Who’s pic (and it’s my favorite, David Tennant) and the so much interesting links, especially the one about women and literature, and the evolution of that children’s book 🙂
Red Iza recently posted…Review / Lyla Payne : Not quite clear
Glad you enjoyed them!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
Gotta love the Doctor, I loved that episode!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…SCI-FI MONTH – Review – The Quantum Door by Jonathan Ballagh
To be honest, I haven’t seen that episode yet, but it’s next in the queue!
I most definitely do NOT think Kenneth Branagh fits as Poirot. I honestly can’t picture anyone but David Suchet. Loved Kate Elliot’s list! Wonderful roundup as usual, Lark!
Stephanie recently posted…Saturday in the Garden – Homeowner Triumphs and Failures
I can’t, either. Suchet was brilliant. He really studied the books and kept the character very true to them — the extent of occasionally refusing certain lines or actions because they weren’t in character. And he looked the part, though he had to be padded a bit to accomplish the right degree of enbonpoint (as Christie described Poirot.) Suchet will always be the definitive Poirot for me, just as Joan Hickson is the definitive Miss Marple.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
If you’re a woman and loved a good book, you’re wrong? Say what? I have to check that one out. Good collection of links as always.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Steph and Liam Review The Pea Patch Jig by Thatcher Hurd
Yes, the literary-fiction world (or maybe I should say, the male-dominated lit-crit world) has always tended to dismiss both female writers and female readers. That’s changing — but not nearly fast enough.
Literary Feline
I love that scene from Doctor Who. 🙂 And I really like the video you shared. Haha I do find that books are a comfort for me when I’m feeling anxious or just plain agitated. They help calm my mind.
Literary Feline recently posted…Happy Thanksgiving!
Books have been my refuge all my life, and are one of my major ways of coping with minor anxiety and everyday stress.