News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- Litsy is a new social media app for readers. I don’t think it will replace Goodreads, especially since the app is only available for iOS so far, and it’s not nearly as robust as Goodreads.
- Amazon’s Prime Day is July 12; it will feature lots of deals for Prime members, if you happen to be one.
- Kindle’s new Page Flip will let you switch back and forth between two pages. Useful for lists of characters or glossaries…but it isn’t available in every book. (Mashable)
Book & Movie Announcements
- J. K. Rowling released a short story about Ilvermorny, the North American wizarding school.
- Neil Gaiman has a book of Norse myths coming out in February. (New York Times)
- Doubleday to publish all-ages coloring books of 5 classics: Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, Dracula, Wuthering Heights, and A Christmas Carol. (That book list is as interesting for what isn’t on it as for what it contains, don’t you think?) (GalleyCat)
- And if those don’t float your boat, there’s a Lisa Frank adult coloring book in the works (to be sold through Dollar General.) (Huffington Post)
Awesome Lists
- An illustrated guide to the best places to read with children (Brightly)
- Amazon’s best YA books of 2016 so far — The Crown’s Game is on my list, as are several of the sequels to various series — but I’ll need to start those series first!
- Amazon’s best science fiction and fantasy of 2016 so far — I’ve read The Invisible Library and have League of Dragons and Every Heart a Doorway waiting on my Kindle.
- Amazon’s best romance of 2016 so far — I’ve read three of them and rated them all pretty high: Because of Miss Bridgerton, Hot in Hellcat Canyon, and Best of My Love. I have several more on my TBR list.
- CSI Poetry – The life and death (OK, just death) of poets gather cause-of-death statistics for 249 poets and puts it into a single infographic. It would be nice if the graphic also indicated which poets died of which causes (which ones were executed, for instance?), but there is a clickable section at the bottom of the page on which the infographic appears (not part of the infographic) which does just that.
Just for Fun
Want to see the entire TED-Ed page for this video? Click here.
Bookish Quote

That’s it for this week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I’ve just joined Litsy and am completely in love. It definitely isn’t a replacement for Goodreads but I could see it edging out Instagram for me. It’s such fun and because there aren’t that many people it isn’t overwhelming and everyone seems to interact with each other. Now I’m off to check out the Amazon lists – especially the romance one.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Deadly Night – Review
Rita @ View From My Books
I’m going to check out your various best books so far lists. Thanks for all the info and links as usual. As my husband is a Prime member it’s nice to know we may have access to some sales on that day.
I don’t have the capability to use Litsy, but it sounds interesting. I’ve been scouting around to see if there is any viable alternative to Goodreads, but Shelfari that I used to use has been disbanded, and I did use LibraryThing once, but am not sure it’s worth paying for each year. So onwards I go in my search…
Have a good weekend!
Rita @ View From My Books recently posted…Saturday Snapshot- July 2, 2016