News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- Harry Potter fans less likely to favor Trump, says a University of Pennsylvania study. (Politico)
- National Coloring Book Day is Tuesday, Aug. 2. You can celebrate by downloading a mini coloring book or joining a local coloring party.
- Librarian Jonathan Harris handed out free books at the Republican National Convention. His goals: to “make America read again” and promote funding for public libraries. (BuzzFeed)
Worth Reading
- Want to Work in 18 Miles of Books? First the Quiz (New York Times) On the quiz that applicants to the Strand Bookstore have to take. (Plus, you can take the quiz! I got 40 out of 50 right.)
- A new documentary goes behind the scenes in the world of romance novels. (Huffington Post) The documentary is Love Between the Covers by Laurie Kahn; the article is by romance author Maya Rodale. After reading the article, the documentary is definitely on my to-watch list!
- Romance Publishers and Diversity at the Nielsen Summit: “Uniquely Familiar” (Publishing Perspectives)
Book & Movie Announcements
- Marvel released 4 videos at San Diego Comic Con: two teasers, a first look, and a sizzle reel. You can see all four at GalleyCat.
- And here’s the trailer for American Gods, thanks to i09.
- Sony has optioned This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab (
- Dark Horse will publish two Star Trek coloring books, one featuring the original series and the other featuring the Next Generation.

Bookish Quote

That’s it for this week!
Bea @Bea's Book Nooknnn
Star Trek coloring books? I’m in! LOL
I’m off to take that quiz and see how I do.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nooknnn recently posted…Sunday Book Share #180