A quick look at what I read, what I reviewed, and the state of my challenges and resolutions.
Sunday Post – 7/21 and 7/28/2024
It has been a whirlwind two weeks, y’all. A family vacation followed by a week of packing up four-fifths of what we own to store during the renovations.
Also, a look back at the last two weeks’ reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the book haul!
News & Notes – 7/27/2024
This week’s links include: Sales of books by Kamala Harris and JD Vance are up; ALA Conference resurges; Project 2025 and books; romance novels and disability rep; and best-books lists.
News & Notes – 7/20/2024
News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Bookish News Worth Reading/Viewing For Writers & Bloggers Bookish Quote Twitter Facebook 0 Pinterest 0 StumbleUpon 0
Wait Until Midnight, by Amanda Quick
Amanda Quick’s books are always fun, and I plowed through Wait Until Midnight in two sittings. I particularly enjoyed Caroline’s career as writer of serialized “sensation novels,” which were extremely popular in the Victorian era. Adam has an interesting backstory as well, though to my regret, it wasn’t really developed as well as it could have been.
Sunday Post – 7/14/2024
I spent the week packing stuff away for the remodel, and packing my suitcase for a family reunion.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
COYER Unwind, Chapt. 3 – July through September
I’m signing up for COYER Unwind, Chapter 3 The Summer chapter of COYER Unwind runs from July 1 through September 30, 2024. You can read about COYER Unwind generally here, and click this link to sign up for Chapter 3 – Summer. My goal is to read and review 6… Read more »
When a Dragon Comes Courting, by Claire Trella Hill
When a company of soldiers are quartered at a war widow’s farm, they bring with them a prisoner… and a threat to her safety. The prisoner is one of her land’s most fearsome enemies, so why does Roe find herself sympathizing with him? When a Dragon Comes Courting is a slow-burn, poignant dragon-shifter romance.
Sunday Post – 7/07/2024
Independence Day celebrations, spinning, and more spinning this week. Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
Hideaway, by Nora Roberts
I enjoyed Hideaway just as much as I did the first time I read it. However, it doesn’t quite rise to the “favorites” level, in part because Hideaway is lighter on both romance and suspense than my favorite NR books.