Printable dust jackets

Printable dust jackets

If you prefer to protect your print books while reading them (or just want to hide the cover), bloggers Sarah Enni, Tracey Neithercutt, and Erin Bowman are offering a clever series of printable dust jackets (PDF format) designed by Bowman. You download the cover(s) you want, take them to your… Read more »


“A Veiled Deception” by Annette Blair

“A Veiled Deception” by Annette Blair

Category: Paranormal cozy mystery Series: Vintage Magic mysteries Book source: purchased I picked up a copy of Annette Blair’s A Veiled Deception in the used bookstore about a month ago, and finally got around to reading it.  It’s the beginning of a new “paranormal cozy” mystery series*, and while I… Read more »


News & Notes – 3/11-3/17

There were some interesting articles about ebooks this week, including a few new approaches I hadn’t come across before.  To begin with, there’s Digital Book World’s “When Growth In Children’s Ebooks Hits the Poverty Line”, which argues that children’s ebooks may be outstripped by ebooks for adults for some time… Read more »


Science Ebook Review Website

Science Ebook Review Website

If you’re interested in science and you read e-books, there’s a new review site specifically for science e-books called  Download the Universe.  Their reviews are well-written, well-edited, substantial, and apparently fair, or at least there is a reasonable ratio of positive to negative reviews. The website (or blog) looks professional… Read more »


“Copper Beach” by Jayne Ann Krentz

“Copper Beach” by Jayne Ann Krentz

Copper Beach Series: Dark Legacy #1 on Jan. 10, 2012 Pages: 324 Add to Goodreads Also in this series: Dream Eyes A rare book. An ancient code. An all-new novel from the New York Times-bestselling master of passion and the paranormal. Within the pages of very rare books some centuries… Read more »


News & Notes – 3/04-3/10/2012

Here are some articles I’ve found of interest this week: New research from Library Resource Services indicates that test scores are higher in schools with an endorsed librarian (as opposed to a library staffed solely by parent volunteers and/or a library aide.) — School Library Journal “No Surprise, E-reader Use… Read more »


“All Wound Up” by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

“All Wound Up” by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee

All Wound Up by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing on October 18, 2011 Genres: Crafts, Humor Pages: 240 Format: Hardcover Source: the library Purchase: Amazon Add to Goodreads Also by this author: The Amazing Thing About the Way It Goes “. . . a sort of David Sedaris-like… Read more »


Pottermore Website – Finally!

Pottermore Website – Finally!

J. K. Rowling at the Pottermore announcement event Pottermore, the official interactive website for Harry Potter fans, will finally open its virtual doors to the public in early April, according to the Pottermore Insider blog. (No specific date has been announced.)  Pottermore has been in beta testing since September with… Read more »



The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, by William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg, won this year’s Oscar for Best Animated Short Film, and deservedly so.  It’s a lovely, magical little film: a fable for and about those who love books and those who write them, which begins with an… Read more »
