Christie Film and Television Adaptations

Christie Film and Television Adaptations

Since my post on March 4 focused on Agatha Christie’s writings, I thought this might be a good time to discuss the numerous theatrical, television, and film adaptations which have been made of her works.    Christie herself wrote several plays, including Black Coffee and The Unexpected Guest, and adapted… Read more »


Audiobooks, Free and Otherwise

Audiobooks, Free and Otherwise

Years ago, the only “books on tape” were produced for the visually-impaired.  Then someone got figured out that there might be a market for audio recordings of books, and the audiobook was born.  Audiobooks have been gaining in popularity over the last decade or so, in part because of the… Read more »



Where Are Books Headed? (In Three Words)

Where Are Books Headed? (In Three Words)

The Winning Edits blog has an occasional feature they call “In Three Words.” This week’s topic was the future of e-books:  Winning Edits is an editorial agency for indie authors, offering free advice, information on author tools, and book editing for a fee.  Their blog features articles of interest to… Read more »


Favorite British Mystery Authors (a series)

Favorite British Mystery Authors (a series)

One of the genres I enjoy is mystery, and particularly British mystery.  Five women dominated the “Golden Age” of British mystery: Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, Josephine Tey, and Margery Allingham.  Of the five, Christie and Sayers are probably the best-known. Christie and Marsh enjoyed the longest reigns.  Sayers… Read more »


Organized Simplicity, by Tsh Oxenreider

Organized Simplicity, by Tsh Oxenreider

Organized Simplicity on Nov. 21, 2010 Genres: House and Home Format: Hardcover Source: the library Add to Goodreads Remove the Mess, Add Meaning Simplicity isn’t about what you give up. It’s about what you gain. When you remove the things that don’t matter to you, you are free to focus… Read more »



Spider and Jeanne Robinson

Spider and Jeanne Robinson

Apropos of my previous post on hope, I’ve been rereading some of SF author Spider Robinson‘s early works, and I noticed something I hadn’t paid attention to when I read them years ago.  Robinson doesn’t shy away from the tragedies of life.  His characters are often in pain, wounded in… Read more »


The Need for Hope

I’d like to say that I have eclectic tastes when it comes to reading, but the truth is, most of my reading falls along fairly conventional lines.  I read a lot of fantasy, mystery, and historical romance, with a sprinkling of science fiction, historical fiction, contemporary romance/women’s fiction and romantic… Read more »


The Science of Kissing, by Sheril Kirshenbaum (review)

The Science of Kissing, by Sheril Kirshenbaum (review)

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I’ve been reading Sheril Kirshenbaum’s The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us.  As the title suggests, this isn’t a how-to book, at least primarily; instead, it explores the psychology, physiology, biochemistry, evolutionary biology, neurochemistry, and cultural anthropology of kissing.  Sound dull? … Read more »
