The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
I was a little under the weather this week, so didn’t get as much reading and reviewing done as I’d hoped. We’ve also been dealing with an ant invasion; Orkin has now been here twice and they’re still not completely gone. Fortunately, they’re only little black sugar ants, but they’re persistent and there are a lot of them!
Speaking of bugs, our family vacation to Mammoth Cave National Park this coming week hit a major snag on Thursday when the owner of the cottage we were renting discovered bedbugs. He’s getting the place sprayed, but because of the spray, no one can be there for two weeks. My sisters-in-law and I scrambled around for other options, but there was nothing available for a large family anywhere near the Park. So instead, we are all going to a very rustic (but air-conditioned) cabin in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. There will be 10 or 11 of us: my husband’s sister and brother-in-law, brother and sister-in-law, their mostly adult children (except one or possibly two nephews), and the three of us. I’m looking forward to spending time with the family, but not looking forward to the heat and humidity… especially with the entire country, more or less, in the grip of a heat wave. At least the cabin has AC. However, it doesn’t have wireless, so I’ll be mostly offline this coming week.
I’m trying to get some posts scheduled before we leave, and catch up on comments, but if I don’t get to your comment until I get back, please forgive me!
Last Week on the Blog

- Mon. 7/18: 7th Blogoversary Giveaway #3: The Dragonriders of Pern – plus review
- Tues. 7/19: – Fifteen Mysteries Set Outside the U.S. – Top Ten Tuesday
- Fri. 7/22: Death in Alaska: Deadly Fate by Heather Graham – review
- Sat. 7/23: News & Notes – 7/23/16
- Sun. 7/24: Sunday Post – 7/24/16 – this post
Don’t miss the current giveaways: Two Cozy Mysteries (see sidebar); The Dragonriders of Pern
Upcoming on the Blog
- Mon. 7/25: Blogoversary giveaway #4
- Tues. 7/26: Ten Things Books Have Made Me Want to Do/Learn
- Wed. 7/27: TBD
- Thur. 7/28: Blogoversary giveaway #5
- Fri. 7/29: TBD
- Sat. 7/30: News & Notes 7/23/16 – tentative
- Sun. 7/31: Sunday Post 7/24/16 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: I ended up re-reading some more historical romances, and re-read River Road by Jayne Ann Krentz. I started Death at the Day Lily Cafe but have had a hard time concentrating on much of anything, to be honest. Maybe while I’m on vacation I can make better progress on some of my ARCs!
Listening: I made good progress on Bill Bryson’s Made in America this week, but Great World Religions: Islam is still on hold.
Watching: I watched two more Poirot mysteries this week (“Cards on the Table” and “After the Funeral.”) I do want to get back to Avatar: The Last Airbender, though—I want to finish season 2 before Robin goes back to college! She and I can watch some while we’re visiting my folks out West.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration

Many thanks to Berkley!
Purchased for Kindle
I’m doing better at keeping the purchases down this week! The two classics and the Liliana Hart mystery were free. I had to try the mystery because it’s set in the county where I live… although I think the author took quite a bit of poetic license. I’ve read and reviewed River Road from the library but wanted it for my Kindle, so I bought it when the price dropped (and promptly reread it!)
Happy reading!
Stacy Renee @ LazyDayLit
Sorry to hear about the ants and bed bugs! I spent a couple of weeks in the Blue Ridge Mountains right around Christmas one year as a teen and it was so lovely. We were basically stuck inside the whole time but it was still pretty great. I hope you enjoy it!
Have a great week!
Stacy Renee @ LazyDayLit recently posted…The Sunday Post #29 – Post Vacation Fatigue
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
You have had problems with bugs! Those little sugar ants drive me crazy and they’re so hard to get rid of. I’ve never worried about bed bugs but a friend has a horror story about bed bugs her husband brought back from a business trip so I’ve been a little more careful ever since! Enjoy your vacation with your family and that offline time! Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – July 24
The ants are just a nuisance (though as you say, very hard to get rid of.) But bedbugs make me shudder. I’m always pretty careful about them when we travel — I check the mattresses before we open suitcases. At least once, we left and found a different hotel. There might not have been live bugs, but I did see evidence that there had been. I also check Trip Advisor before booking a hotel, to see if they have had complaints.
Literary Feline
I am sorry about your ant problem. They really are a pain–so persistent, those little buggers. I hope you are finally able to get rid of them for good this time. And I was sorry to hear about the snag in your vacation plans. I would love someday to stay in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I hope you enjoy yourself and the time with your family! Take care!
Literary Feline recently posted…Sunday Post: Ten Years of Blogging & My Usual Update
I can’t say I’m too disappointed about the change of vacation plans. The Blue Ridge will be blazingly hot and humid this week — but not quite as hot as Kentucky. And this is a place the family has gone frequently, back to when my husband and his siblings were children, so they (and we) have a lot of good memories around it.
Rita @ View From My Books
I would like to read When All The Girls Have Gone. I read River Road by Krentz and enjoyed it. Haven’t heard of your other selections.
Ugh, bugs in the house, bugs in the cabin beds… it’s summer, time for insects, and I love nature and animals but have little tolerance for insects!
We used to have ant infestations in one of our previous homes every summer. Try to find out where they are coming from (they send scout ants ahead, so you’ll see just a few wandering in–in a line– from under a sliding door or under wall molding) and spray something like hair spray or lysol all over their entry points. It breaks up their scent trail, kills their scouts, and is non-toxic. This has actually worked for me in the past. Just keep spraying and wiping up excess with paper towel.
Good luck and enjoy that family vacation!
Rita @ View From My Books recently posted…You’ll Miss Me When I’m Gone Review
It would be lovely if these were just scouts, but our best guess is that they managed to colonize inside the wall or inside the window frame. And there are hundreds of them. Orkin has put out several types of bait trying to kill off the queen and the whole colony, but it’s taking longer than usual. I just hope they are gone by the time we get back!
Got My Book
We have some red ants in our complex’s parking lot and we have tried just about everything. They are very persistent. Hope you manage to get rid of them, and have a wonderful vacation.
The persistence is admirable, but frustrating!
Bea @Bea's Book Nooknnn
Oh man, the bugs are out to get you! Sorry about the change in plans for your trip. I hope you and your family enjoy the Blue Ridge Mountains, they’re lovely. I have Dirty Little Secrets, but, surprise surprise, I have yet to read it. Unlike you , I did NOT do well at limiting purchases and incoming books. Maybe this week. Have a great week and enjoy your vacation!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nooknnn recently posted…Sunday Book Share #180
We loved Mammoth Cave, oh man and I know you are disappointed but better to find out before rather than after. Bringing those home from vacation would suck. I love the Blue Ridge Mountains so enjoy. Yay to unplugging! We leave on August 4th for a wedding and week at the shore. I cannot wait and plan to unplug as well.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #223 News, Books, Caffeine
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
We had a problem with bees, even after having the bee specialist come out twice. It is frustrating. Try putting out Borax to see if that helps (
That’s a bummer you guys won’t get to stay at that cottage! Your trip sounds so fun, though.
We finally took the window trim off and had the Orkin guy spray behind it. Then my husband put in that spray-in foam that hardens, and put the trim back up. So far, no more ants! *crosses fingers and knocks wood*