The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
I worked like a fiend all week, turned one project in, dealt with changes in another (the publisher made changes to the book, which necessitated adjusting the index), and continued with the one due sometime this week. I was right to take last week off; there’s no way I could’ve gotten any posts done. But at least I hope to be able to get a couple of posts written this week, assuming the current project cooperates!
The leaves are just starting to turn here in Virginia’s coastal plain, though I guess they’re further along in the mountains. And the weather has been gorgeous, with several days of bright blue skies. Temperatures are cooler, too, especially at night; the days are in the 60s to low 70s, but the nights have dropped into the 40s. I’m not quite ready to turn on the heat — the house hasn’t dropped below 65 at night, and this week it’s supposed to get back up into the 80s for a few days. (Ugh.) But fall is definitely in the air!
Last Week on the Blog
As I mentioned, I took last week off due to an overwhelming amount of indexing (plus I’d run out of the posts I save for times like this.)
- Sun. 10/09/16: Sunday Post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Sun. 10/16/16: I’m Back! (Sunday Post – 10/16/16)
- Mon. 10/17/16: HoHoHo Read-A-Thon 2016 – goals
- Tues. 10/18/16: Ten Characters I’d Name a Child/Pet/Car After – Top Ten Tuesday
- Wed. 10/19/16: In the Dragon’s Eye: Congress of Secrets
- Fri. 10/21/16: TBD
- Sat. 10/22/16: News & Notes – 10/22/16
- Sun. 10/23/16: Sunday Post

The Blog Ahead Challenge runs through the end of October. My goal is to get 15 posts “ahead” by then. So far, I’ve done 2 posts “ahead” since the challenge started. Obviously, I didn’t get any done this week because of work, but now that the pressure is a little off, I hope to be able to tackle this challenge.
What I’m Reading/Watching
It’s been a bad week for reading anything for fun. I finished re-reading Take a Thief, a Valdemar novel by Mercedes Lackey (in my collection.) I’m still reading A Terrible Beauty by Tasha Alexander (ARC), a couple of chapters a day; same thing with The Hammer of Thor (Rick Riordan; purchased.) I’m been rereading A Discovery of Witches for the Real-Time Read-Along, so that won’t be finished until November 1st. And I really need to get back to Shades of Milk and Honey, the first in the Glamourist Histories by Mary Robinette Kowal (purchased.) You know how sometimes, when you have to set aside a book you’re really enjoying, after a while it’s hard to pick it up again? I have no idea why that happens, but it’s been a problem for me with this book.
I’m still listening to Made in America by Bill Bryson in the rare moments when I’m not indexing, reading, sleeping, or snatching half an hour to watch something with my husband. We watched Dead Man’s Folly, continuing our foray through the Poirot mysteries starring David Suchet. Next, we’ll probably try to get back to The Shannara Chronicles and Doctor Who, and maybe tackle another mystery series. Avatar: The Last Airbender is currently on hold, too, but maybe I can get back to it this week, if I don’t have to spend lunchtime working.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Many thanks to DAW!
Purchased for Kindle
As usual, all of these were on sale, and Walden was free.
Have a great week, and happy reading!
Michelle @Because Reading
You had a busy week, I hope it slows down for you!
The weather has been so nice around here and I hate that it’s going to be in the 80s on Tues and Wed but I am sure it wont be as bad as the summer since the breeze it always cooler. It better have a breeze that day. 🙂
I hope you have a great week, Lark! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Another Interesting Week ~ WIR & TSP
Thank you, Michelle! It won’t be much better, I’m afraid. But I’m hopeful I can squeeze in at least a few posts this week. 🙂
Shandy Jo
Wow you’ve got some amazing covers up there. I hope your able to get caught up, I know I’m trying to figure out some posts to fill out my schedule.
Thank you, Shandy Jo. I hope I can get caught up, too! Good luck to you with your posts. 🙂
I’m glad the week off from the blog turned out to be so productive that you’re back already! Sometimes you just have to step back and take care of work. And you’re still going better than I am with it ahead! I had to laugh because for me, 65 at night means I want heat. No one else in my house does though, so I have to wear warm clothes and socks (I hate wearing socks!). Guess I’m alone in this one! Lol! Have a great week 🙂
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post | 3 day weekend… Sort ofÂ
Well… I got my project turned in, but the next one is due this week, so I’ll still be awfully busy. As for the heat, I agree that 65 is chilly, but between blankets at night (and my husband, who is always warm) and sweaters and hand-knit socks in the day, I do fine. Also, the house heats up in the daytime just from the sun, and my study is always a few degrees warmer than the rest of the house due to the computer equipment… though less so since we moved our data storage (an old desktop) to another room.
Rita @ View From My Books
Nice weather you’re having! I have to look at a map to see where my son is living currently while he does his government internship– Falls Church, VA– but he told me that his weather is finally getting cooler but not too many trees with changing leaves. Must be late this year.
I read A Discovery of Witches a couple of years ago and loved it but missed out on this read-a-long. Hope you’re having fun with it. I know you like to reread when you’re busy with work!
Have a fun, and hopefully more relaxing, week ahead Lark!
Rita @ View From My Books recently posted…My Weekly Update- 10/15/16
It seems to me that the leaves haven’t been as brilliant in recent years, perhaps because of hotter summer temperatures, warmer fall nights, and drought, though I don’t think we’ve had the latter this year.
Yes, I’m enjoying the ADOW read-along, but it’s awfully hard to stop at the end of the day’s chapter(s.) I realize that when I’m in the world of the story, I’m really oblivious to chapter breaks, and go right past them without noticing. I’ve got a couple of days “off” until the next chapter; some chapters cover several days, and then there’s a gap before the next day with chapters to read.
Have a lovely week, Rita!
Laurel-Rain Snow
Lots of goodies! Death Comes To London looks tempting…great cover, too.
Congrats on blogging ahead…and enjoy your week.
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
Death Comes to London is book 2 in a series I’ve been wanting to read… historical mysteries set in the regency era, with a hint of romance. I’m looking forward to starting them. I picked up book 1 last November when it was on sale. 🙂
I think you did the right thing taking a week off, and now you can focus on blog ahead before it get’s crazy with choir stuff 🙂 Have a wonderful week Lark 🙂
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #235 Crisp Sunburnt Leaves
That’s the hope! This week is still kind of crazy, though. 🙂
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
Sounds like you have been crazy busy, you did the right thing taking time away from the blog.
Have a great week!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…The Sunday Post #59 – 16th October 2016
Thanks, Heather! Yes; I missed it but it was really the only thing I could do. Hopefully this week will be a little better, though I’ve still got a lot of work to get through. Have a good week!
Got My Book
Good luck on Blog Ahead, I’m not doing as well as I hoped but am still doing ok.
I wasn’t a big fan of Take a Thief or A Discovery of Witches. I did enjoyed Magnus Chase, but thought that the fill-in-the-blank formula Riordan is using is getting a little tired.
Sunday Summary #24
It’s true that Riordan has built a formula, but it works for him. I read and analyze scholarly books for my job, so I often turn to much lighter fare when reading for fun, and Riordan’s books definitely offer that. Take a Thief isn’t my favorite Valdemar book, but it’s not my least favorite, either, and I was kind of on a Valdemar re-reading binge. (Still am, actually; I’m re-reading the Mage Winds trilogy right now.)
Good luck to you with Blog Ahead, too!
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
GLad you took last week off from the blog. It sounds like you’ve made a lot of progress with your projects! The weather here is not yet ready for fall. I’m hoping after this week Texas gets the idea.
Progress with one of them, anyway. The other is due this week; I’m still working on it. 🙂 Does Texas get much in the way of fall? My sister-in-law in Houston always says she misses the fall colors.
Melissa (My words and pages)
Oh wow. Sounds like you had a lot going on last week. Glad you got your project done. Hope you have a relaxing week this week too.
And enjoy all those books! 😀
I got that one done — I’m still working on the next one! Then I can relax. A little. 🙂
Literary Feline
Sounds like you had a busy week! I am glad you were able to get that project done. Hopefully the one this week will allow you time to blog. 🙂 Your weather sounds nice. Ours has been similar. My daughter’s had to wear her sweater in the mornings, but it warms up enough for her to wear short sleeves later in the day. It’s warming up again though. It’s supposed to be 99F tomorrow. That’s crazy.
I need to get back into Doctor Who. We were close to being caught up, but needed to wait for the latest season to come out on streaming or DVD.
I hope you have a great rest of the week, Lark! Hopefully you’ll have more time for reading just for you.
Literary Feline recently posted…Bookish Thoughts: Blame It On the Cowboy by Delores Fossen
Dreadfully busy, and so far this one hasn’t been much better, though at least I’ve gotten a few posts up. Ouch, 99?! You must be further south or west than we are. It’s only 80 at my house right now (Wednesday afternoon.)
Thank goodness for streaming! I’m looking forward to starting Doctor Who again when I finish (or possibly give up on) Shannara. Have a great week!
anna @ herding cats & burning soup
Yay for work getting done. Stressful, though, on the changes made last minute. Ahh! Good luck with Blog Ahead this week. Hope you’re able to knock a ton of posts out!
anna @ herding cats & burning soup recently posted…3 stars– Legal Wolf’s Mate by Eve Langlais
Would that I could, but the current job is proving more difficult and time-consuming than I’d anticipated. Oh, well, there’s always next week!