The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
My shoulders have been sore intermittently for months, so when my left shoulder started twinging more insistently and more often a week or two ago, I didn’t pay it much attention. I should have. By Monday night any movement or exertion of the arm was painful. By Tuesday early afternoon, it hurt so much I could hardly use it at all, so I went to the doctor. Turns out I probably have rotator cuff tendinitis (yes, that’s the medical spelling — it looks wrong to me, too.) The recommendation is rest, ibuprofen, ice and heat, and gentle stretching and exercise — specific ones, which the doctor gave me in a packet. If it’s not better in a couple of weeks, he’ll send me for x-rays and physical therapy. So far, it’s improving, if not as fast or thoroughly as I’d like. (Who am I kidding? I want to wave a wand and poof! It’s back to normal. Silly me. Even in the Harry Potter books, it can take a a while to set things right again.)
Still, I’m counting my blessings: I work from home; I have dictation software to take strain off my arms and hands; I don’t have to start conducting rehearsals for a month; and it is getting better. But I never realized just how much you use your non-dominant arm for, and how much I do that requires two working arms! And on the “silver lining” side, the cat and I are enjoying reading and snuggling while I ice or heat my shoulder. (I read; she snuggles and purrs. She never used to be snuggly, until a few years ago. I’m soaking it up.)

Tasha on my lap. The blanket is crocheted, but not by me. It was a wedding present. Yes, it really is creamsicle orange—but it was made with love, and it’s toasty warm.
Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post – 1/21/2017
- Death & the Gravedigger’s Angel (Loretta Ross) – review
- TOUR: About That Kiss (Jill Shalvis) – review
- RIP Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018)
- News & Notes – 1/27/2017
- Sunday Post – 1/28/2017 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Waiting on… February New Releases
- News & Notes – 2/03/2017
- Sunday Post – 2/04/2017 – tentative
The sign-up linky for The Backlist Reader Challenge 2018 is live, and the challenge has begun! This is the last week you’ll see this reminder for a while, but don’t worry, you can sign up anytime before December 2018.
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: I finished Death and the Viking’s Daughter (ARC) and posted a review. I’m still making my way through The Problim Children (ARC) and A Scandal in Battersea (library.) I was in too much pain Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to focus on a new book, so I started rereading Mercedes Lackey’s Collegium Chronicles, and just kept going. I got through the first four and I’m in the middle of the last one.
Listening to: Still listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, but I’m making progress!
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Purchased for Kindle
I kept the Kindle acquisitions down this week. The Atherton and Graham books are in series I follow, and I figured both Robin and I would enjoy the Pratchett and the Le Guin.
Ugh, I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you, Angela!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Due to a bad ankle break a number of years ago I have chronic tendinitis (it doesn’t look right to me either) in my ankle which is annoying but I’m grateful that it’s not in my arm or shoulder! I can ice an ankle while typing or reading or doing just about anything. It’s way more convenient than the shoulder. I hope it gets better soon though it is a long healing process. I really want the Amanda Quick book but I want to read the first book. Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – January 28
Oh, I’m so sorry about your ankle! It’s true that icing it would be a little easier than icing a shoulder, but chronic ankle pain sounds miserable.
I read the first AQ book last year, so I’m ready for this one. It should be fun!
Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous)
Oh no! I hope you feel start to feel better soon.
Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) recently posted…Demigods, Viking Lumberjacks, and Sirens… Oh my!
Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous)
That was complete gibberish. You know what I mean though! Get plenty of rest. I’m gonna go and drink my coffee now. LoL I clearly need it. 😉
I have mornings like that, too. 😉 (I can’t drink coffee, though. It doesn’t like me. I stick to tea.)
Thank you!
Michelle @Because Reading
You poor dear I totally feel for you. When I broke my fingers i never thought how much I needed that ONE finger. I have tendinitis in my hands, the doctor told me to stop using the computer but I just can’t. It’s not as bad so I don’t mind the achy-ness sometimes but I think I might also have it in my ankles. I do hope you get better soon!
Your kitty is so beautiful! I miss our cat, I keep looking up adoptable cats but I know I have to wait.
I hope you have a great week, Lark! Feel Better and Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…I’m about to bore you with how boring my week was ~ WIR & SP
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Awww…I hope your shoulder feels better and I hope you enjoy all your nice books!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…The Sunday Post Meme (120)
Thank you, Ronyell!
Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
I’m really interested to see what you think of Circe when you get to it. I have The Song of Achilles that I’m hoping to get to in the next couple weeks. P.s. I love your Kitty!
Kimberly @ Turning the Pages recently posted…It’s Monday! What are you reading? #139
I haven’t read The Song of Achilles yet (though I have it on Kindle), but our daughter Robin loved it. I’m hoping Circe can be read as a standalone, as long as I know the basic storyline of The Iliad and The Odyssey.
I will pass your appreciation on to Tasha, who will take it as no more than her due. 😉 Seriously, we love her too. She’s a lot better company than she was when we first got her. Back then, she was very standoffish and touch-me-not. Now, she loves to be petted, and she enjoys being on my lap—the latter is new just in the last year or so.
I love that blanket and the color is wonderfully vibrant. I sure hate to hear that you’ve been in such pain, but glad that healing is on the horizon. Isn’t it great when out kitties curl and get comfy. I think they always know when we really need their support. Hugs…and hang in there.
Sorry about your shoulder. That’s no fun. Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Lark recently posted…Urban Fantasy Fun…