The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures — I mean books!
My Week
It’s been another super-busy week with work, though at least I managed to get a few posts done! My brain is completely toast, though; I couldn’t muster enough energy, focus, or enthusiasm to write any of the six or eight (or ten) reviews I have hanging over my head. Hopefully that will change once this project is turned in tomorrow.
My wonderful husband brought me flowers yesterday — great big beautiful chrysanths with spiky petals, died purple. I wanted to take a picture, but I can’t find my camera and I didn’t have time to search for it. They look like this, only in reverse: purple on the outside, white on the inside. They certainly make my desk a happier place to be!
Please stop by on Monday and give me your thoughts on a challenge I’m thinking of hosting for 2017! I want to do a challenge for the books that have been on your want-to-read list for years.
Last Week on the Blog
- Sun. 10/16/16: I’m Back! (Sunday Post – 10/16/16)
- Mon. 10/17/16: HoHoHo Read-A-Thon 2016 – goals
- Tues. 10/18/16: Ten Characters I’d Name a Child/Pet/Car After – Top Ten Tuesday
- Wed. 10/19/16: In the Dragon’s Eye: Congress of Secrets
- Sat. 10/22/16: News & Notes – 10/22/16
- Sun. 10/23/16: Sunday Post – 10/23/16 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Mon. 10/24/16: A Challenge for 2017? – a challenge proposal
- Tues. 10/25/16: Ten Bookish Halloween Crafts – Top Ten Tuesday
- Wed. 10/26/16: In the Dragon’s Eye: TBD
- Thur. 10/27/16: TBD
- Fri. 10/28/16: TBD
- Sat. 10/29/16: News & Notes – 10/29/16
- Sun. 10/30/16: Sunday Post – 10/30/16

The Blog Ahead Challenge runs through the end of October. My goal is to get 15 posts “ahead” by then. I managed 2 posts in the first week, which I’m saving for November or later. This past week was another bust, so I’ll have to get cracking between now and Halloween!
What I’m Reading/Watching
It’s been another rough week for new reading, too. I finally finished A Terrible Beauty by Tasha Alexander (ARC), a couple of chapters a day, but only a little of The Hammer of Thor (Rick Riordan; purchased) on hold — not because I don’t want to read it but because I’ve had so little time. I’m still rereading A Discovery of Witches for the Real-Time Read-Along, so that won’t be finished until November 1st. And I’ve been rereading Mercedes Lackey’s Mage Winds trilogy. Maybe this coming week I can finish Shades of Milk and Honey, the first in the Glamourist Histories by Mary Robinette Kowal (purchased.)
I also want to get back to Made in America by Bill Bryson. Every time I picked up my iPod to listen while I did laundry or dishes, the dratted battery had gone dead — it’s old and doesn’t hold a charge well anymore. We watched The Labors of Hercules, the penultimate episode in the Poirot mysteries starring David Suchet, and one episode of The Shannara Chronicles.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Nothing this week!
Purchased for Kindle
Both of these were on sale. The Trouble with Magic is the first book in a series I really enjoyed.
From the Library
I’ve been waiting and waiting for Ghost Talkers, and I loved the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books when I was in elementary school, so I have to see what the reboot is like.
Have a great week, and happy reading!
Sounds like you had a busy week if your head is feeling like toast due to your project. I hope you have more inspiration to write those reviews next week! Those flowers sound beautiful! That’s so nice of your husband to buy those for you.
I haven’t done too well for Blog Ahead either. I think I got 5 posts done in total, but I hope to get a few more done before the end of the month.
I read a Discover of Witches a few years ago and quite enjoyed it, but had forgotten too much when I went to pick up book two. I hope one day I can re-read the first book and continue the series. Have a great week!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #201
Here’s hoping both of us do well with Blog Ahead this week! I should have this job turned in by the end of the day Monday, so Tuesday I can start blogging. (And working on the next job, but it’s got a longer deadline.)
About A Discovery of Witches: I think the author does this Real-Time Read-Along every year, so you could think about re-reading it during September and October 2017, and then reading the next two books. 🙂
Laurel-Rain Snow
I might be in the mood for Christmas on Candy Cane Lane. I don’t usually read a lot of holiday books, but I’m kind of in the mood this year.
Enjoy your week…hope you get your second wind. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I really didn’t need another Christmas book, but it looked so cute, I couldn’t resist!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Gorgeous flower and so nice of your husband. 🙂
I hope you can catch your breath this week. Good luck with ahead and getting those reviews written. But don’t forget to enjoy the lovely fall weather!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sign-up for Ho-Ho-Ho Read-a-thon 2016
Thanks, Bea! Getting out for a walk is at the top of my to-do list on Tuesday. 🙂
A Voracious Reader
Is it bad that I feel like toast all the time lately? lol I’m thankful I only have 2 reviews hanging over my head but that’s because I haven’t had time to read. Might be one of the reasons I feel like toast. 🙂 I never used to be a fan of cut flowers, but lately hubby & I have picked some up when we get groceries and they look so nice in the kitchen. We might need to make it a regular thing. I hope you have a great week!
A Voracious Reader recently posted…AVR Weekly News ~ 166th Edition
Oh, I hate it when I have literally no time to read. At least I’ve squeezed in a little this week, even if I had to steal it from sleeping time. I hope you get your energy and mojo back soon. Flowers are a great pick-me-up!
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st
Enjoy your books! Hopefully you’ll find the energy to get to your reviews soon. Have a good, and more relaxing week.
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st recently posted…Book Blitz: The Harvesting Series by Melanie Karsak
Thanks, Tiffany! I hope you have a good week, too. 🙂
Cool points to the hubby! I so want to read that series by Kowal. Need to ask my library to get them!
Have a great week ahead!
Major points! I’ve wanted to read the Kowal series for several years now, and finally got around to it.
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
I love Bill Bryson, his books are so interesting and funny. Those flowers sound beautiful, I love the colour purple, I think I need to drop hints to my man!!
Have a great week.
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…Four Go To Florida 2016 #1 Getting There
Bryson is great; we’re big fans in this household!
Laura Thomas
Your week sounds like what I have in store for me next week. Dreading it! How sweet that hubby brought you flowers. Hopefully you’ll have time to read those awesome new books!
Laura Thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #178 and The Sunday Post
Good luck with your week! I hope it’s not too bad.
Stormi Johnson
You sound so busy, hope things slack up for you a bit. I am curious about Shades of Milk and Honey. Enjoy your reads!
Stormi Johnson recently posted…The Week In Review #110
You and me both. Shades of Milk and Honey is historical fantasy set in the Regency era. Think Jane Austen with magic. 🙂
I bought The Trouble With Magic this week too, I think partly I saw on goodreads that you had liked it! It looks fun! Hope you have a productive week!
Stephanie recently posted…Readathon | The Wrap Up
I did; it’s a fun cozy series with a nice balance of light and realistic (insofar as a series that includes magic can be realistic.) Sadly, the author seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, so the promised 8th (I think) book never materialized. 🙁
Oh, it’s so nice to receive flowers, and those are so pretty.
I have the Trouble with Tourists on my TBR and sitting on my Kindle. Here’s hoping that we both like it.
Toady recently posted…B.B. Toady Weekly No. 1
Welcome to The Bookwyrm’s Hoard! And thank you for stopping by, and for including me in your awesome book blogger directory. (To everyone else: y’all should check it out.)
Thanks for your kind words and for the shout out.
Toady recently posted…The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax by Dorothy Gilman
You’re welcome!
Got My Book
Purple was my first favorite color and I still love it. I hope that this week is going great for you.
Now that I finally got my project turned in (on Tuesday), it’s going great! 🙂