The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
It’s been a very busy two weeks, mostly because of my indexing projects. The good news is that two of the three are done and turned in (and both authors liked them, which is always gratifying!) I’ve also spent some time planning our holidays; we’ll be visiting family, so I’ve been figuring out dates and who gets us when.
The bad news is that I’m way behind on NaNoWriMo, so I’m making a new commitment to it now – not in any expectation of “winning” (reaching 50,000 words), but committing to spending at least some time writing every day for the rest of the month. Because of that, posting on the blog will be a little sparse, and I’m suspending the News & Notes feature for the rest of November. It’s fun, but it’s time-consuming.
The Last Two Weeks on the Blog

- Mon., 10/27/14: The Collector, by Nora Roberts (review)
- Tues., 10/28/14: Characters I Want to Be For Halloween (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed., 10/29/14: NaNoWriMo Starts on Saturday (my NaNoWriMo announcement)
- Fri., 10/31/14: Halloween Book Covers
- Sat., 11/01/14: News & Notes – 11/01/14
- Mon., 11/03/14: Not Again! Print vs. Ebooks
- Tues., 11/04/14: Top Ten Books I Want to Reread (well, at the moment, anyway)
- Wed., 11/05/14: TOUR: By Cook or By Crook, by Maya Corrigan (guest post, review, and giveaway)
- Thur., 11/06/14: The Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon Begins Today! (my goals post)
- Thur., 11/06/14: ‘Tis the Season, by Robyn Carr (review)
- Sat., 11/08/14: The Christmas Bouquet, by Sherryl Woods (review)
This Week on the Blog
- Sun., 11/09/14: Snow Angel Cove, by RaeAnne Thayne (review)
- Mon., 11/10/14: Fairy Homes and Gardens (review)
- Tues., 11/11/14: Top Ten Characters I Wish Could Have Their Own Book (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Thur., 11/13/14: TOUR: If the Shoe Fits, by Lynn Cahoon (guest post and review)
- (Rest of the week TBD)
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review

Purchased in print or for Kindle
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
The Secret Diaries of Miranda Cheever! I’m way in the minority here but it’s one of my favorite Quinns. I got Whose Body as well and I’m pretty sure that’s your fault! I’ve read it before and if I remember right it was one of my favorite Sayers. You’ve got some great reviews coming up. Look forward to seeing what you think of If the Shoe Kills. I just started it. Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – November 9
Your recommendation is why I bought the Quinn book, Katherine! And I need to start If The Shoe Kills, too. 🙂
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian
Nice new books, Lark. Hope you enjoy reading them…and good luck with NaNoWriMo.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian recently posted…Weekly Book Recap #88
Thank you, Catherine!
Laurel-Rain Snow
Oh, I enjoyed The Collector…and since I’ve read Dark Witch, I should move on to the next one….
I am eyeing ‘Tis the Season….hope you have a great week!
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I’ve enjoyed the whole Cousins O’Dwyer trilogy. I hope you enjoy books two and three!
Lynn Cahoon
Lark – I need to get books two and three in Nora’s series for my holiday reading. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder.
Oh, you do – they were really good! 🙂
Angie @Angela's Anxious Life
NaNoWriMo is everywhere! I had no idea how many people participate in it. I have a friend who wants to be a writer too. I told him about this event but I don’t think he participated. Good luck.
Angie @Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Sunday Post
It’s my first time, and it’s not going very well, mostly because I was too optimistic about having time to devote to it.
I cannot wait to read the final book in the Nora Robert’s trilogy as well! Have you read other trilogies by her?? It looks like you have lots of good books to look forward to. Enjoy!
Samantha recently posted…The Sunday Post #4 (Home Improvement Edition)
I loved the third Nora Roberts, which I’ve read but not yet reviewed. I’ve read one of her other trilogies – a non-paranormal series set in Ireland about three sisters (two from Ireland, one half-sister from America); can’t remember the titles right now but I really liked them. And I’ve read some of the standalones, mostly romantic suspense. She’s versatile!
Rita @ My Home of Books
I already have The Collector and the first in the Cousins Dwyer series, but yet to read. Many of your books look like comfort reads to me, and I mean that in a good way 🙂 The kind you would snuggle up on a couch on a cool evening with–enjoy them!
I do hope you get enough time to work on your NaNoWriMo. You have so much on your plate already. I really wanted to join because I love to write, but I couldn’t come up with a plot that I would want to work on, sigh… Have a good week.
Rita @ My Home of Books recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up 11/8-11/10/14
I’m all about the comfort reads at this time of year! 🙂 Thank you so much for your encouragement re NaNoWriMo. It means a lot!
Good luck with Nano!I’m a little behind now too after getting off to a good start- I had some of the story in my head and that went down on paper easy, but now I have to figure out where I go next.I keep telling myself just keep writing! 🙂 I hope it goes well for you the rest of the way!
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #69
That’s part of my problem. I have to keep reminding myself to just sit down and start writing anyway – but I literally haven’t had much time. Good luck to you with your NaNo novel!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Oh, look at all those lovelies!
I can imagine you’re crazy busy with the indexing; will you have a break when you finish the current one?
Good luck with the indexing and NaNo!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #114
Sort of. I’ve got jobs booked right through the end of January, but at least I’m not double-booked!
A lot of awesome books 🙂
Here’s mine:
Thanks! Now if I can just find time to read them all…