The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures — I mean books!
My Week
The US election results this week surprised and disheartened many of us. I don’t want to discuss the election or politics in general on the blog at this point, but I may mention my own reactions occasionally. I do want to say, in case I haven’t made it plain by implication before now, that I welcome all readers and book-lovers to this blog, regardless of political affiliation, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, orientation, or genre preference. That includes you, no matter who you voted for. Here, (to paraphrase the words of a wise friend this week) people will always be treated as people. And to my friends who are fearful or depressed, I offer what comfort and support I can, and all the virtual hugs you need.
Work’s about to get crazy again for a week or two, and the concert is next weekend, so I’m going to be pretty busy… but hopefully not too busy to squeeze in time for reading, knitting, and watching a few shows! (And sleep. Sleep is good.)
Last Week on the Blog
- Sun. 11/06/16: Sunday Post – 11/06/16
- Tues. 11/08/16: Ten Books I Recently Added to My TBR List/Pile
- Wed. 11/09/16: HoHoRAT Cover Puzzle Challenge
- Thur. 11/10/16: In the Dragon’s Eye: Wild at Whiskey Creek
- Fri. 11/11/16: The Holiday Gift (Christmas Ranch #3) – HoHoHoRAT review
- Sat. 11/12/16: News & Notes – 11/12/16
- Sun. 11/13/16: Sunday Post – 11/13/16 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Mon. 11/14/16: “One Snowy Night” (Jill Shalvis) – HoHoHoRAT review
- Wed. 11/16/16: HoHoHo RAT Wrap-Up (2016)
- Thur. 11/17/16: The Inheritance (Charles Finch) – review
- Fri. 11/18/16: Goodreads Choice Awards: How Do You Vote? – The Bookwyrm Wonders
- Sat. 11/19/16: News & Notes – 11/19/16
- Sun. 11/20/16: Sunday Post – 11/20/16

The HoHoHo Read-A-Thon is on! My goal is to read at least 2 holiday-themed books and listen to one audiobook (A Christmas Carol.) The books are going well — I finished The Holiday Gift and posted the review already, and I’m working on One Snowy Night. I haven’t been finding much time for the audiobook, though.
I’m also hosting one of the challenges for the Read-a-thon, so if you like holiday book covers and jigsaw puzzles, I hope you’ll check it out! (You have to be participating in the #HoHoHoRAT to enter the giveaway, but you can play the puzzles without entering the giveaway.)
What I’m Reading/Watching
I finished up The Hammer of Thor (Rick Riordan; purchased). For the HoHoHoRAT, I read The Holiday Gift (RaeAnne Thayne; ARC; reviewed) and One Snowy Night (Jill Shalvis; purchased), and I’m working on A Yorkshire Christmas (Kate Hewitt; purchased.) I also reread the Protector of the Small quartet by Tamora Pierce (my review); in the aftermath of the election, I found solace and inspiration in Kel’s determination to protect and defend those in her care. The Inheritance (Charles Finch; ARC) and Shades of Milk and Honey (Mary Robinette Kowal; purchased) are on hold until the HoHoHoRAT is over Tuesday night.
I changed my mind and decided to listen to A Christmas Carol (read by Jim Dale) for the HoHoHoRAT after all, but I only started last night. It’s short, though, so hopefully I can finish it. Made in America is on hold again until after the HoHoHoRAT.
As for what we’re watching, we finished up the Poirot mysteries with “Curtain” on Sunday and Monday. It took two nights because something went wrong at Netflix the first night, and we couldn’t watch anything. Instead, we re-watched “Look to the Lady”, a Campion episode (which we own), and later in the week got back to our Harry Potter rewatch with The Goblet of Fire. On Friday, since Mr. Bookwyrm had the day off, we went to see Dr. Strange, which was fun. I may post thoughts on it later, but no promises… I’m not sure I can do so without spoilers.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration

Thank you, Berkley!
Purchased for Kindle
Tamora Pierce is a favorite author I love to re-read, so I buy her books for Kindle whenever they go on sale. The Mary Balogh and Jill Shalvis titles were both preorders.
Have a great week, and happy reading!
Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
A Yorkshire Christmas really caught my eye, I just love those British chick lit covers. Hope you get some time to read and sleep this well!
The cover sold me on that one, too! Thanks for coming by, and have a great week!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
I was shocked by the election results also. I just hope that prejudice doesn’t become rampant due to all this.
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…The Sunday Post Meme (61)
As Rita suggests in her comment, if we try to reach out to those around us in love, compassion, and kindness, we counteract some of that prejudice. And if we can listen to each other, really hearing what people are feeling and trying to understand why, maybe we can solve some of the problems that give rise to (or at least offer fertile ground for) prejudice and anger in the first place.
Rita @ View From My Books
I loved reading this post today. We are still feeling an “election hangover” and not sure what to make of anything. I think all we can do at the small grassroots level is to show love, compassion, kindness and empathy to everyone we meet. It isn’t hard, it’s free and it’s definitely worth it!
My daughter has a few friends with relatives from Mexico (should we “wall” them off?!) She has a few gay friends– should we shove them back in the closet? I have a relative who uses “Obamacare”. Should they lose health benefits when they need it the most?
Ah, now more than ever I need to lose myself in a great fiction story and try to relax! Thank goodness for the wonderful book blogging community. We are diverse and far-flung and yet we share a common bond that makes us all friends. Hope your week goes well and your concert rehearsals go smoothly!
Rita @ View From My Books recently posted…Weekly List #3
Indeed, reaching out to friends and neighbors in “love, compassion, kindness, and empathy” is the best response, not just at this time but whenever tensions seek to divide people. I have faith in the book blogging community, that we will seek to emphasize the things that unite us and be accepting of the ways in which we’re different.
Laurel-Rain Snow
I am in need of the comfort that A Yorkshire Christmas conjures up…for me.
I am also curious about the Amanda Quick books, which I’ve never read, but since I love one of her alters (Jayne Ann Krentz), it might be time.
Thanks for the virtual hug! I needed that.
Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
A Yorkshire Christmas is cute so far — light, but sweet. The new Amanda Quick is a bit of a departure; most of her books are set in the mid- to late-Victorian era, but this one appears to be set in the 1920s. It’s JAK, so it’s bound to be entertaining!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
I liked One Snowy Night though I didn’t like the ending. Your reading/watching list looks good. I hope the next two weeks won’t be too too crazy.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Bea Reviews The Rogue Vows Series by Kendra Elliot & Melinda Leigh
The ending was a little… unfinished, would you say? Not quite resolved, though obviously the relationship between Max and Rory is going somewhere.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Yeah, that cover is not Victorian at all. Now I;m even more curious about the book.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Bea Reviews The Rogue Vows Series by Kendra Elliot & Melinda Leigh
When they give out the ARCs this far in advance, I always wonder if they want us to post reviews that early, or are just looking for blurbable reviews on NetGalley. I’ll probably (hopefully) read it before Christmas, but I don’t know when to post my review.
Looks like some great new reads there! Enjoy!
Melissa recently posted…Sunday Book News (Book Haul & Wrap Up) – 11/13/16
Thank you, Melissa! Have a great week!
Michelle @Because Reading
All those pretty reads! I am so temped to one click the heck out of the all but I need to not do that and read what I have 🙂
Send you a big HUG! This week was just bizarre all around.
Have a great week, Lark! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…I’m not talking politics, so don’t even try ~ WIR & TSP
Aww, thank you for the hug, Michelle! And right back at you. Yes, a very strange week. This year has been… *shakes head*… I don’t know. So many deaths, and so much rancor in the election campaigns. It’s sad.
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st
I really enjoyed Magnus Chase, and am excited for the 3rd book in the series after reading The Hammer of Thor. Enjoy your week, and new books!
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st recently posted…The Weeks in Review: (October 31st – November 12th)
Me too — but before that, we get the second Trials of Apollo book, which should also be fun. Did you catch the little sideways reference to a god falling to earth in The Hammer of Thor? And it’s pretty clear that the Greek/Roman and Norse series are going to interact in more ways than just having Annabeth pop up on the periphery. I can’t wait!
sherry fundin
A lot of interesting books and I am always up for an Amanda Quick novel.
sherry fundin recently posted…Sherry’s Shelves #102 – Schooner America, The Blue Angels & Veteran’s Day
I know; I was so excited to see that one!
Laura Thomas
I’m surprised you find time to read all of your wonderful books. You are so busy. I hope you have fun and good luck with the concert.
Laura Thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #181 and The Sunday Post
Thank you, Laura! I hope you’re having a good week!
Stormi Johnson
You got a lot of great books your reading, I hope you enjoy them.
Happy reading,
Stormi Johnson recently posted…Death at First Sight ~ Blog Tour ~Spotlight
Thank you, Stormi! I have been — I just finished The Inheritance today (Tuesday) and it was so good. 🙂