The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
I’m swamped with work again. It seems to be feast or famine this year! But the book I’m indexing is really interesting: well-written and informative. The constant exposure to new subjects and ideas is one of the best parts of my job. Science one month, political history another, cultural history or arts and letters after that… the variety is fun, and satisfies my insatiable desire to learn at least a little about a lot of different subjects.
Given the workload, though, I don’t expect to get around the blogosphere much this week. I guess I should have saved a few of last week’s posts!
Other than that, there’s not much going on here. I’m healing well from last week’s procedure, but I will be very glad when I finish up this course of antibiotics. I have to take them 4 times a day, 6 hours apart, with food, and it has me craving an unbroken night’s sleep.
Challenge Update
I’m back up to 4 books behind on my Goodreads challenge.
I’ve decided to count one or two of my Ngaio Marsh rereads toward The Backlist Reader Challenge 2018—the ones I had completely forgotten, or nearly so. I mean, if I read it over 30 years ago and all I remember is the detective and the setting, but I can’t remember any of the characters, the plot, the murder, or the solution… well, that’s less than what I would know from reading the back-cover blurb, so it’s OK to count it for the challenge. Looking at my reading for the year, I’ve actually read about 20 backlist titles out of my goal of 30. I just haven’t written reviews for most of them.
COYER Winter 2018 started yesterday. Wish me luck!
Also, signups for The Backlist Reader Challenge 2019 are now open! If you want to tackle those older titles on your TBR pile, this is a great way to do it.

Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post –11/25/2018
- Fact and fiction: Never the twain shall meet? – Part 2
- I’m giving it a shot: #COYER Winter 2018
- The Backlist Reader Challenge 2019: Rules and Sign-up
- Closer to the Chest (Mercedes Lackey) – review
- News & Notes – 12/01/2018
- Sunday Post –12/02/2018 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Nice Dragons Finish Last (Rachel Aaron) – review
- WIP Wednesday – tentative
- Other posts TBD
- News & Notes – 12/08/2018 – tentative
- Sunday Post –12/09/2018 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: In memory of William Goldman, who died last week, I’ve been slowly rereading The Princess Bride—slowly, in order to savor it better. For my ongoing Ngaio Marsh series binge this week, I reread Died in the Wool and Final Curtain. I also started Rachel Aaron’s Heartstriker series with Nice Dragons Finish Last, which I’m still in the middle of. It’s fun and well-written urban fantasy (not PNR) with dragon shifters.
Listening to: Christmas music, and one or two Imaginary Worlds podcasts.
Watching: Mr. Bookwyrm and I watched the Patrick Stewart version of A Christmas Carol. I like this version a lot, except for the cheesy costume design for the Ghost of Christmas Future—it looks like an overgrown Jawa with a normal woman’s hands. And I finally watched the second episode of Anne with an E. So far, the series departs significantly from the book in terms of events, and in showing (in flashbacks) the traumas Anne suffered before coming to Green Gables (which you can infer from her past, but Montgomery glosses over to some extent.) But it’s also very true to the characters and the spirit of the book, so I’ll keep watching.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Purchased for Kindle
All of these were on sale except the two Ngaio Marsh books, which I bought because I’m rereading the series, and Someone to Trust, which was a preorder. I read and reviewed an ARC of The Woman in the Water back in March, but I wanted a copy for whenever I reread the series in the future.
Laura Thomas
It’s good to hear you are recovering and I hope you get to sleep through the night soon:) It looks like you have some great reads for when your workload lightens up too.
Laura Thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #289 and The Sunday Post
I’m taking the rest of December off once this job is finished, so I should have about three weeks to read and knit and play games and spend time with my family! (The games are with my sister’s family; we’re really into card games and board games.)
Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra
I’m glad to hear that you’re recovering and hope that you’ll soon get to enjoy an uninterrupted night of sleep. Oooh, A Princess Bridge reread sounds wonderful. That’s such a great story.
Thank you! I had a mostly unbroken night last night (Sunday), and it was heavenly! I have so much more energy this morning.
Rita @ View From the Books
Can you believe I’ve never read, or seen, The Princess Bride! I need to rectify that asap 🙂 I think I’m going to join your Backlist Challenge in 2019 since I’m changing my reading format to include many more older titles, little known books etc.
I’m glad that you’re feeling better now and that work is interesting at the moment. I love to hear mention of something intriguing and then doing mini research about it. My son is even more hard-wired this way, and it’s why he went from unschooling to GED,to community college, state university, law school & the MD Bar Exam, and now starting to study for the NY Bar so he can practice there too.
Sorry for rambling here. I just think that having a healthy hunger for knowledge is a gift and should be fulfilled. Kudos to you for doing your indexing for so long and still finding time to blog! 🙂 have a great week!
Oh, The Princess Bride is delightful! I recommend seeing the movie first; I think it’s easier to get into Goldman’s irreverent style through the film. And I’d love to have you join The Backlist Reader Challenge.
We homeschooled, too! With a fair bit of unschooling mixed in. Curiosity is hardwired into our family, too, and Robin has a healthy helping of it.
Have a lovely week!
Oh I look forward to when you can have solid sleep; it’s so hard when it’s not. Yay for COYER – Good luck! I have so many dangling tasks today I feel sort of overwhelmed so I just keep knocking them off. I want to read the Rachel Aaron series. Anne – Books of My Heart
Anne recently posted…Audio: Vengeful by VE Schwab
Good luck with all your dangling tasks! I have a ton to do this week, too. (And I should be doing it instead of answering comments, but this is a nice break.) Enjoy the Rachel Aaron books!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I have been completely ignoring my podcasts and audiobooks in favor of Christmas music lately. However, I’ve been wanting to get back to both, so maybe this will be a short-lived switch. (It won’t last past early January in any case.)
I won’t be joining you on the 2019 Backlist Reader Challenge, since I intend to read a lot of new(ish) books in 2019. On the other hand… I do intend to read a lot of Discworld too, for my 2019 Discworld Read-A-Long, and those would all count, so maybe I’ll change my mind…
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Party Post Part 4 ~ Pern
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
I’m glad to hear your work is so interesting! That makes life so much better…even if rather full at times.
Yes to both! (Better, and full.) 🙂
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I hope you keep healing quickly! Your job sounds interesting. I like learning new things. Have a great week!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #175
Thank you, Aj! I’m doing fine now. And yes, my job is fascinating! Except when a book is dry and boring, or tear-your-hair-out difficult. But usually fascinating. I’ve done books on astronomy, asteroid impacts, and famines; a history of milk and another on urban trees; books on shyness, sleep apnea, the history and science of Lyme disease; a socio-cultural history of the Muslim veil; biographies of baseball players, musicians, and diplomats; and so much more… There aren’t many jobs that let you read and learn about a plethora of subjects the way indexing does.