The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
I hope you all had a very happy Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Kwaanzaa, or any other holiday you celebrated this week!
Our Christmas week was quieter than we planned. Robin got sick on Monday, and was sick pretty much all week, so we mostly stayed home. (“Home” in this case being my parents’ house.) We rescheduled our extended-family “Second Christmas,” held at my sister’s house, from the day after Christmas to Friday, but poor Robin was still a bit under the weather, and didn’t go. Thankfully, Robin is doing better every day, and was off work for the week anyway—but what a rotten way to spend one’s first vacation from work!
Despite Robin’s illness, we’ve enjoyed this quiet time with my folks. Their home is lovely, especially when decorated for Christmas. And although Christmas Day was clear, it has snowed twice since, dropping over 12 inches and turning the town, mountains, and canyons into a winter wonderland.
I didn’t make it around to visit much this week; I’ve been focused more on my family. As we move into 2019, I hope to manage my time better: for work, for family, for my reading and creative time, and for the blog.
Last Week on the Blog
- It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas! (Sunday Post –12/23/2018)
- Merry Christmas!
- My 2019 Year-Long Challenge Goals
- News & Notes – 12/29/2018
- Sunday Post –12/30/2018 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- 2018 Challenge Wrap-Up
- My Favorite Books of 2018 – Top Ten Tuesday
- East (Edith Pattou) – review
- 2019 Resolutions – tentative
- WIP Wednesday – tentative
- News & Notes – 1/05/2019- tentative
- Sunday Post –1/06/2019 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: I read surprisingly little this week. I did finish East by Edith Patou, as well as The Princess Bride. And I started one of my 2019 ARCs, Cyanide with Christie (Katherine Bolger Hyde.)
The Perils of Pleasure by Julie Ann Long and my Ngaio Marsh series reread are both on hiatus for now.
Listening to: Christmas music, and Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation by Cokie Roberts.
Watching: A Child’s Christmas in Wales (one of my all-time favorite Christmas movies; we watch it every year!), Avengers: Age of Ultron, and several Foyle’s War episodes.
Backlist Reader Challenge
Signups for The Backlist Reader Challenge 2019 are still open! If you want to tackle those older titles on your TBR pile, this is a great way to do it. Signups stay open well into 2019, but after the first week or two of January, I’ll no longer post the link on Sundays. It will still be in the sidebar, though.

New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
Christmas Gifts!
Purchased or Gifted for Kindle
Rita @ View From the Books
Sorry to hear of Robin’s illness over vacation! But perhaps better than missing 5 days of work (looking for the glass half-full scenario).
That photo of the tree in the snow is drop-dead gorgeous! I just love photos where you can sit and study them for a few.
I have turned around some of my reading over the past month and am now adding in a healthy dose of historical fiction, preferably mysteries. I will still definitely read my detective procedurals and contemporary mysteries, but I’ve given up on the too intense, too gory psychological thrillers. This came about when I’d finished a book with a sadistic cat-and-mouse plot,then I watched that movie Bird Box on Netflix a week later. I felt… disturbed… so I deleted a few more of those kind of books I had from NG etc. off my Kindle.
I started recently reading the Sebastian St. Cyr series (CS Harris), Owen the Archer series (Candace Robb) and now am reading The Crown (Nancy Bilyeau). I also have read in the past couple of years all of the Imogen Robertson series & the Anna Lee Huber series, plus one in the Susanna Calkins line, one in the Charles Finch, two from Christine Trent.
Sorry if I’m rattling on, but I know that you have some interest in this genre too. So I’ll still be eclectic, but will be tossing in more and more of these kinds of titles this year. Have a wonderful New Years weekend!
You’re not rattling on; I’m interested! You’re right, I enjoy historical mysteries, and will look forward to seeing your thoughts on the books you read this year. I’ve read Charles Finch, and hope to try Huber’s series and the St. Cyr series this year. (Although I thought that last year, and never got around to them. Oh well, hope springs eternal!)
That’s the pits that Robin was sick over the holiday, and hope all is much better now. My goodness, I would love, love top have all that beautiful snow! It’s pretty much in the 60’s here in NC and it’s almost January! Great gifts too! Happy New Year! RO
RO recently posted…JUST SOME STUFF
Thank you for the good wishes for Robin, who is doing better. As for snow, we got another 2 feet or so last night and today! So much that Robin’s place of work is closed tomorrow. I love snow, and we don’t often get it at home, so I’m enjoying it here in New Mexico.
It’s crappy to be sick on vacation. You got some lovely presents. My daughter has also been sick but is better today. Maybe she will open her Christmas presents finally.
I think we all try to do a better job of managing our time. I do it through planning and specialized lists / systems. Today I got off track as my brother called and we chatted for an hour. Since we didn’t see each other over the holidays, it was nice. But I ended up not eating lunch until 4 so who knows when I’ll feel like dinner. Happy New Year!
Anne recently posted…2018 Library Love Challenge Results
I’m sorry your daughter was sick over Christmas. I hope she’s doing better soon. Robin is much better, but still coughing.
Time management is tough for me, probably because I’ve overcommitted. I may have to pull back on the blog some this year, but I don’t really want to…
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Oh I’m so sorry to hear about Robin’s illness. What a way to spend Christmas and vacation. Glad she’s feeling better and the quiet time at your parents’ home does sound nice. Saw your comment above – you really need to try both Huber and St. Cyr. I think you’ll love them!
Thank you, Katherine! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a happy New Year! And thank you for the recommendation; I trust your judgement since we seem to love a lot of the same books. 🙂
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books
It sucks when people get sick at Christmas. Hopefully you still had a nice time despite it.
I love the lit tree in the snow picture. We get very little snow here now. ☹️
We don’t usually get much at home (Virginia, not in the mountains), so it’s one of the joys of spending Christmas with my folks in New Mexico’s mountains. That said, we didn’t get much snow here last year… but this year made up for it.