The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
Happy Halloween!
We celebrated several family birthdays last weekend over Zoom, including mine. We do this every few months, for all the birthdays in those months. We’re a family of readers, so all but one of my gifts were books, which made me very happy. (You can see them down below.) The other was a Rhiannon Giddens album, which also made me happy!
Today I’ll be splitting my time between getting ready for trick-or-treaters, and working. I hadn’t done any of the Halloween prep as of Saturday dinner time, including carving the pumpkin, so I’ve got a fair bit to do. I know some of the kids won’t be masked again this year, so I will fill some treat bags that they can pick up outside, instead of coming to the door.
What do you have planned this Halloween? Whether you’re watching a spooky movie, curling up with a good book, or enjoying an evening trick-or-treat, I hope you get into the <i>spirit</i> of the evening!
Recent Posts
- Sunday Post – 10/24/2021
- Nine Coaches Waiting, by Mary Stewart – review
- WIP Wednesday – 10/27/2021
- Trick or Treat! Sunday Post – 10/31/2021 – this post
Looking Ahead
- Top Ten Tuesday post – tentative
- WIP Wednesday post – tentative
- News & Notes – 11/06/2021 – tentative
- Trick or Treat! Sunday Post – 11/07/2021 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading: I reread Nine Coaches Waiting (Mary Stewart) which I last read 15 or 20 years ago, I think. I’m rereading Nora Roberts’s Cousins O’Dwyer series, which I seem to reread every October; I finished Dark Witch and Shadow Spell, and started Blood Magick. I am currently reading one of my library books, A Spindle Splintered (Alix E. Harrow); Mercedes Lackey’s Briarheart is next up, if I can fit it in before it’s due back to the library.
Listening to: I finished The Winter Sea and started The Firebird. Both are by Susanna Kearsley, and in both cases, it’s my second time through.
Added to the Hoard
Print: The Vanished Days (reviewed); The Last Graduate; Murphy’s Law; Death of Riley; The World According to Mister Rogers
Audiobooks: Superfreakonomics; Surrounded by Idiots
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)
Print: Index, a History of the
Kindle: A Woman of No Importance; Unwinding Anxiety; What Remains of Heaven; Once a Laird (was preordered); The Graveyard Book
Audiobooks: The Firebird; The Happy Prince and Other Stories
That’s great that you all have continued to celebrate birthdays during this time! We did a couple on Zoom, but it has kind of fizzled out. We weren’t going to hand out any candy today, but then my husband felt kind of bad, so we bought some. Now I’m debating if I should just leave the bucket outside!
We did the treat bags last year, and stayed inside. Since both of us need to work (at home) this evening, and the pandemic is still going strong here, I decided to do that again this year. But I miss seeing the trick-or-treaters in all their costumed glory!
Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic
Happy Belated Birthday, Lark! It’s nice that you celebrate family birthdays via zoom. I finished The Spindle Splintered and enjoyed it a lot. I bought Nine Coaches Waiting because I remember reading it years and years ago. I think I read all of Mary Stewart’s books when I was a teenager. I haven’t reread it yet though.
I hope you have a nice Halloween. I have no idea whether we will get any trick or treaters since we’re on a cul-de-sac and it’s a new neighborhood.
It looks like you got some great books to read. I hope you get some time this week to read some of them.
Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic recently posted…Sunday Post: Happy Halloween!
Anne - Books of My Heart
I’m glad to hear you like the Nora Roberts trilogy. I’ve been buying them on audio to read. I’m also enamored of the CS Harris books. Happy reading!
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Sunday Post – 31 October 2021
Happy Halloween!!!
Greg recently posted…Songs of the Week #110
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits
Happy belated birthday! It sounds like a good time all around.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Reading Wrap-Up: October 2021
Happy belated birthday! I love that you were able to celebrate with your family through Zoom! I love that Nora Roberts trilogy though weirdly it wasn’t my favorite when I read it the first time. I love Rhys Bowen though I haven’t read that series. I really want to read The Woman of No Importance. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on all of these. Have a wonderful week!