Sunday Post, 3/27/2022

March 27, 2022 Sunday Post 14

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This Week

We celebrated my mom’s birthday over Zoom last night. That’s one of the few silver linings of the pandemic: my extended family now holds these Zoom parties so those of us who don’t live nearby still get to celebrate everyone’s birthday. Those who live near each other can get together in person as well, now that everyone’s vaccinated, but since we are scattered over several states (and almost the width of the whole country), it’s nice to have the Zoom parties too. Especially for Mr. Bookwyrm and me, since we live nearly 2000 miles from any of my family, who have mostly moved out west.

Recent Posts

  • Sunday Post – 3/20/2022
  • Sunday Post – 3/27/2022

Looking Ahead

  • – Top Ten Tuesday; tentative
  • – review, tentative
  • Sunday Post – 4/03/2022

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished Goblin Fruit, and read Magician’s Hoard and Wards of the Roses, all by Celia Lake. I also read Friends, Foes, and Lovers by Stephanie Laurens. Currently, I am reading In the Cards, another Celia Lake historical fantasy romance.

Listening to: I took a break from my regularly scheduled listening on #TolkienReadingDay* to listen to one of Tolkien’s novellas, Smith of Wootton Major, delightfully read by Derek Jacobi. (It’s arguably more of a novelette than a novella; the audiobook is only 1 hr. 6 min. long.) The rest of the week, I listened to Daughter of the Deep (Rick Riordan). Once I finish it, I’ll go back to Index, a History of The (by Dennis Duncan.)

*Tolkien Reading Day is March 25. It commemorates the day the Ring was destroyed.

Watching: Partners in Crime (the 1980s version, with Francesca Annis and James Warwick), and Leverage season 1.

Added to the Hoard this week

For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to Simon & Schuster for Skandar and the Unicorn Thief!

Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Wards of the Roses; The Poison Heart; In the Cards; A Dead Djinn in Cairo; The Conjurer; The Book of Lost Tales, Part One; The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two. (Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)

Audiobooks: A Dead Djinn in Cairo; The Conjurer; Smith of Wootton Major; The Hobbit; The Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King. (Click title for Goodreads page.)

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay kind… and may you find books a haven in the coming weeks.

14 Responses to “Sunday Post, 3/27/2022”

  1. Angela

    That’s really nice about the Zoom party – I mean, I guess these technological things did exist before the pandemic, but we never really thought to use them in these ways!

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Yes, it’s been really nice, and not just for our family, or for parties. Many disabled people are pointing out that all the ways work changed during the pandemic are things that they have been asking for all along; I hope that companies will take note, and not try to force everyone back into the same one-size-fits-all office-based structure they had before.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I liked the Rob Inglis ones enough to finish them, but I’m really looking forward to the Andy Serkis version. He did a live, marathon reading of The Hobbit during the early part of the pandemic, and it was so popular, I guess HarperCollins asked him (or maybe he asked them) to do it as an audiobook, along with LOTR. He was on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert a few weeks ago, and talked about recording them, and how he used physical cues—a gesture, a position relative to the mike—to keep each character’s voice separate from the others. He also said that he based the voices on his friends’ portrayals in the movies, but that they weren’t all-out imitations, and demonstrated the difference between his Gandalf and “the full Ian McKellan.” Based on what I heard in the interview, the audiobooks should be really good.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Hopefully, we can keep the good things that came out of the pandemic, and solve the bad (preferably before the next wave or next pandemic.)

  2. Mia @ Genre Books and Me

    Before the pandemic no one in my extended family used zoom or any other technology besides texts, call, and emails to keep in touch. My relatives are scattered all over the eastern seaboard. I like your thought that tele-conferencing is ideal for disabled folks to use for work.
    Mia @ Genre Books and Me recently posted…What My Week Looked Like- 3/26/22My Profile

  3. Katherine

    I love the idea of Zoom birthday parties and I love that you are all making it a regular way to celebrate. I’ve never read any of the LOTR books but my husband reread them all shortly after the last movie came out and enjoyed them even more than he did when he read them as a teenager. Have a wonderful week!

  4. RO

    I love, love, love Leverage so much, and literally watch them over and over again. I watched all of the seasons, then when it came back last year with an updated version, I was all in. Just a fun show, and I love to see the good guy win. Hope you’ve been doing well, and sending lots of hugs, RO
    RO recently posted…FINALLY, MORE USELESS STUFFMy Profile