The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
Last Week
I worked a lot on upcoming blog posts and reviews. I finally finished unpacking and putting away my Christmas gifts. I went through my yarn and fiber stash to see what I could donate to yesterday’s fiber guild meeting and sale—not much, as it turns out; I’m rather attached to my stash yarns! And I attended the meeting and sale, where I somehow managed to only buy 1 skein of yarn and several spools of silver thread (for plying with art yarns.) It was good to spend some time with my fiber-arts friends, though.
Recent Posts
- Sunday Post – 1/08/2022
- 23 in 2023: A Reading Challenge (of sorts)
- My Most Anticipated Books – First Half of 2023 – Top Ten Tuesday
- Sleep No More, by Jayne Ann Krentz – review
- The Time for Love, by Stephanie Laurens – review
- Sunday Post – 1/15/2022 – this post
Looking Ahead
- The Backup Plan, by Jill Shalvis – review
- My Bookish Resolutions for 2023 – Top Ten Tuesday
- HarperCollins Union Strike Continues
- The Dark Is Rising (BBC radio drama adaptation) – review
- News & Notes – 1/21/2022
- Sunday Post – 1/22/2022
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett (ARC), which came out on Tuesday. After that, I read Well Met (Jen DeLuca) for COYER book club, then The Backup Plan by Jill Shalvis (ARC), which comes out on the 17th. (Reviews for Well Met and The Backup Plan are written and scheduled; I’m working on the review of Emily Wilde.) Next, I reread The Awakening and started rereading The Becoming, preparing to read The Choice (Nora Roberts) in the upcoming week.
Next up is A Darker Shade of Magic, which I will be buddy-reading with a COYER friend. After that, I want to go back to An Enchantment of Ravens (Margaret Rogerson) and Without a Summer (Mary Robinette Kowal) soon. I also have several ARCs and readathon books to get through.
Listening to: I finished the BBC World Service podcast of Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising, about which I have mixed feelings (review to come.) And I’m plowing through Season 3 of the Writing Excuses podcast.
On our drive home, we started The Return of the King, by J. R. R. Tolkien, read by Andy Serkis (the actor who played Gollum in the movies.) Once we got home, we had to listen to it separately, and sequentially, so I let my husband go first. Now that he’s done listening to it, it’s my turn. (We share an Audible account, and if we’re both listening at different times, it messes up the continuity too much.)
Playing: Wordle, the NYT Spelling Bee, and sometimes Pokemon Go.
Watching: We finished up our LOTR rewatch last weekend, so this week, we started Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard. On my own, I’m watching A Discovery of Witches, Season 1.
Added to the Hoard
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)
Print: Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD (2nd ed.)

Kindle: Meru; Murder at the Serpentine Bridge; The Spare Man; These Old Shades; Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris & Mrs. Harris Goes to New York

Audiobooks: The Spare Man; Good Neighbors: The Full Collection (I Kickstarted it); Lost in the Moment and Found; Phasers on Stun!: How the Making (and Remaking) of Star Trek Changed the World; Why Fish Don’t Exist. (NOTE: The last two were Christmas gifts to Mr. Bookwyrm from Robin, which we just redeemed at Audible. I get to listen to them when he is done.)
(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)
I understand about being attached to stashes. There are several I need to weed through and donate/sell/get rid of somehow. But I just don’t want to part with any of them.
Mark recently posted…January 15th’s Sunday/Monday Post
It’s hard to let go of things you once enjoyed collecting. Or in the case of craft supplies, still enjoy collecting, and intend to use eventually. But it would take me years to knit my way through my entire stash. OTOH, I’ve got years, so if I can hold off on collecting more for a bit (hah!), I should be able to put at least a dent in the overall quantity.
I’m in the same boat when it comes to books, but those I really do need to prune. I’m out of space to put any new ones.
Was Encyclopedia of Faeries a good read? It definitely looks intriguing, and I like the cover. I hope you enjoy reading this week!
My Sunday Post.
It was! I hope to get the review written in the next day or two. Have a great week!
I see some cool sci-fic in that books haul. Enjoy you new books and a great week.
Snapdragon recently posted…The Sunday Post: Oh the horror
The Spare Man is excellent! I had preordered the paperback, and read it when it came out this summer, but I wanted the audiobook because she does such a great job of reading her books (the author is also a professional audiobook reader), and because my husband and our Robin prefer audiobooks. And then the Kindle version went on sale, and I like to duplicate my library in Kindle format so I can take it with me on vacations or wherever, so I bought that edition, too.
I don’t know much about Meru. It was a Prime First Reads selection, and it sounded interesting, so I picked it.
Have a terrific week!
The fiber guild meeting sounds like fun. I’m pretty attached to my yarn stash too lol. LOTR narrated by read by Andy Serkis sounds wonderful. Happy reading this week.
Bookworm recently posted…Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 1/15/23: Book Updates and a Cardigan
I figure my yarn stash is insurance for when we retire and have less spending money! And yes, Andy Serkis does a great job narrating LOTR.
I’d struggle to give up much of my stash either. I’m not sure I’d have held back at a small number of purchases either. I’d like to fit in more time knitting and quilting. You got some great books!
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne+-+Books+of+My+Heart recently posted…🎧 Westward the Tide by Louis L’Amour #LouisL’Amour @petkoff @kakuralasombey @DanJohnMiller @PenguinAudio @sophiarose1816 #LoveAudiobooks
Well, to be honest, by the time I actually got to look at what was on sale, there wasn’t that much left! Now that I’m also committing to writing, it will be harder to fit everything in, but I’m going to try!
I’m glad you enjoyed your fiber guild meeting. You have some great books to read and have read. I hope you enjoy them all.
Wendy recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #72!
Thank you, Wendy! It was great to see everyone, even if I was a little nervous to be in a room full of people. (I was masked, as were a few others; the majority weren’t.)
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
It’s nice to spend time with people with shared creative interests. As soon as I’m over covid I’m going to be setting up a crochet date with a friend….. You’ve been reading some interesting looking books. I have Encyclopedia of faeries on my wish list…..Happy Reading
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys recently posted…Weekend Book Sharing and Blog Visits #33
I hope you feel better and are able to get that crochet date in soon!
I understand not wanting to let any of your yarns go. I haven’t knitted much (at all?!?) since Dante was born because my time is just so tight – but I haven’t let any of my yarns go either! I probably should, but I keep thinking I’ll get back to knitting again sometime soon. I hope!
Enjoy your reads — especially being able to get back to your audio read. I hate the way Audible has made it so hard to share accounts now – it used to be easy, you could each download books to your phone and it wouldn’t sync. I have so much dislike of Audible (while I pay them because too many books are audible exclusives) these days.
Have a great week!
Berls recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ New Year and Cheer Comp Season has started ~ Week in READview! 2023
I’m not good at getting rid of stuff when it’s stuff I love. Luckily my husband throws away everything that isn’t nailed down so he balances me out a bit. Enjoy your reading! You got some great books! I have Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris after hearing Lil’s Vintage World’s review of it. Have a wonderful week!
It’s really hard to let go of things you love, or even things you used to love. And to be honest, I’m not planning to let go of the books I love, unless I can’t manage the print size anymore. (Even then, if I’m really attached to that edition, I might keep it.) It’s more the books that were OK, or that I haven’t gotten around to reading in five years, or that I read once but don’t see myself reading again.
I’m looking forward to reading Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. I’d like to see the movie, too. The trailers are enchanting!
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I understand being attached to stuff. I have a whole closet of stuff that I swear I’ll use someday, but I really just need to donate. I hope you’re having a good week!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #321
I have a lot of that sort of thing, too. I swear, this is the year I make at least some progress on reducing the amount of stuff in the house.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I need to go through my stash as well, though I’m planning to wait until I have a weekend where I can toss the stash all out on the floor and sort it completely from scratch. I had it organized for a while there, but the move meant that stray skeins of yarn ended up in any old place, and so it’s not at all in order any more.
I kickstarted the Good Neighbors audiobook too! I’m planning to listen to it soon; really looking forward to it.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…My Readathon Plans for 2023