The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
Last Week
In real life: I’ll be here with my parents for another week while my stepdad recovers. He’s doing really well, but won’t be fully healed for another 6 to 8 weeks. Still, he’s now mobile enough, and we’ve got enough systems worked out, that we think Mom can handle everything with occasional help from my sister and brother-in-law, or from friends. So I’ll be heading home next weekend.
On Friday and Saturday, I attended a virtual indexing conference… or at least, as many of the sessions as I could, given the need to be present for my parents. Saturday evening, we celebrated Mom’s birthday with a family party over at my sister’s house. (It’s not actually her birthday, but it was the first opportunity we’ve had to celebrate it.)
Recent Posts
- Sunday Post – 4/23/2023
- Reading Challenge: COYER Upside Down, Chapter 2 – sign-up post
- Identity, by Nora Roberts – review
- Sunday Post – 4/30/2023 – this post
Looking Ahead
- Ten Books I Randomly Grabbed from My (Virtual) TBR Shelf – Top Ten Tuesday
- Monthly Wrap-Up: April 2023
- reviews TBD
- Sunday Post – 5/07/2023
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished rereading Tribute by Nora Roberts (reviewed 2017.) Then I thought I should reread Identity (Nora Roberts; ARC), because it’s coming out in May, and although I read it in March, so much has been going on since then that I need a refresher to write the review!
I was able to borrow Unraveling (Peggy Orenstein) from the library here, so I should be able to finish it before I go home. I also started several other books, both of which I am enjoying: The Sweetheart List (Jill Shalvis; ARC) and The Lord of Stariel (A.J. Lancaster; it’s one of my #23in2023 books.) And to fall asleep at night, I’m rereading Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts (reviewed 2017.)
Listening to: I have had very little time for listening, but I did listen to an Articles of Interest episode on the history and design of the pointe shoe. As a former ballet mom, I found it fascinating, and very accurate in describing ballet culture around both pain and pointe shoes.
Playing (occasionally): Things, Cacao, and Wingspan (with family), plus Wordle, the NYT Spelling Bee, and Pokemon Go (on my own.)
Watching: Watching movies or TV shows has always been how my mom relaxes. (She loves books, but for relaxing, prefers a visual medium.) And of course, my stepdad is spending a lot of his time in a recliner. So we watched a lot of shows this week. We finished up Sense and Sensibility (the 2008 BBC television version, which is excellent.) Then we watched The 4:50 From Paddington (the 1987 version starring Joan Hickson as Miss Marple) and The Franchise Affair (a 1988 British TV movie based on the Josephine Tey novel; it was decently written and acted, but the music was not well-suited at all.) We followed those up with two episodes of the Alleyne Mysteries, series 1: “A Man Lay Dead” and “The Nursing Home Murder.” And I went over last Sunday to spend the evening with Robin; we watched Tangled together. It’s more TV/movie watching than I usually do in three weeks, let alone one!
Added to the Hoard
Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

Print: Child of the Northern Spring (used; Friends of the Library bookshop)

Kindle: Savage City; A Study in Mischief; Lessons in Enchantment

Audiobooks: A Short History of the World According to Sheep
(Click title for Goodreads page.)
Sophia Rose
Glad your step dad is well along in recovery and fun that you could have the extra time for a birthday party and visits. Nice stack of reads for the week and the comfort of some good re-reads. The ballet book being accurate would be a big hit since you know something about it.
Have a lovely week!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Emma’s Dragon by M. Verant @M_Verant #KindleUnlimited @sophiarose1816
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
That’s great news about your step dad. I’m sure you will be happy to return home.
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
Good luck to your stepdad as he continues to recover!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
I’m glad your stepdad is doing well. I hope he continues to recuperate. I have Identity to read and review. It looks good and my first Nora Roberts in many years. I used to love her books and this sounds like a good one. Hope you have a great week!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews recently posted…Awww Mondays
Anne - Books of My Heart
Happy to hear things are improving. You are getting a lot accomplished plus having some family time.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…By A Silver Thread by Rachel Aaron @Rachel_Aaron #KindleUnlimited @snyderBridge4
I’m so glad your stepdad is getting more mobile and that you’re getting systems in place. I’m sure you’ve enjoyed your time with them but I bet it will feel amazing to be home. It’s been awhile since I read Tribute but I remember enjoying it and Stars of Fortune was one I really enjoyed. I’m about to start Identity and The Sweetheart List and am really looking forward to both. Have a wonderful week!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I’m so glad your stepdad is doing better! It would be odd adjusting to someone else’s routine long-term, but you seem to be managing it nicely. I’m sure it will still be nice to get back home, though.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Reading Wrap-Up: April 2023