The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
Last Week
In real life: Things got very busy this week, with the unexpected start of a new indexing project as well as preparing to go home. However, I managed to fit in more time with Robin and with my sister than I had in the previous weeks.
My stepdad is doing pretty well; at this point, it’s mostly a matter of healing over time, and physical therapy. He may need a second surgery if things don’t heal on their own, but we won’t know that for almost a month, and we’re hopeful it won’t come to that. My parents now have routines in place for everything, and my stepdad is stronger; he can get around the house with a cane and can do some things on his own. They should be able to manage on their own now, with occasional help from nearby family or friends. We spent this last week testing that out, and I’m confident they’ll do fine.
So I flew home yesterday. And while I was very happy to be there, both to help out and to spend time with my parents and with Robin and my sister and her family… I’m also glad to be home. I really missed Mr. Bookwyrm!
The coming week will be very busy. In addition to my current indexing project, I have a lot to do to prepare for the fiber guild meeting on Saturday and for our Tour de Fleece event in July. And of course there’s unpacking and laundry and all the stuff that piles up when you have been away from home for a whole month.
Writing accountability: I’m trying to get back to writing this month, but honestly, it may not happen this week. My writing goal for May is 20 minutes per day on either of my fiction projects (one novel, one fanfic story.) Word count so far this month: 0.
Recent Posts
- Sunday Post – 4/30/2023
- Ten Books I Randomly Grabbed from My (Virtual) TBR Shelf – Top Ten Tuesday
- Sunday Post – 5/07/2023 – this post
Looking Ahead
- Monthly Wrap-Up – April 2023
- Sunday Post – 5/14/2023
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished Unraveling (Peggy Orenstein), which I borrowed from the library here. I reread Stars of Fortune (reviewed 2017), Bay of Sighs, and Island of Glass, all by Nora Roberts. I also continued reading The Sweetheart List (Jill Shalvis; ARC) and The Lord of Stariel (A.J. Lancaster; it’s one of my #23in2023 books.)
Listening to: Season 4 of the Writing Excuses podcast
Playing (occasionally): the NYT Spelling Bee, Pokemon Go, and Wingspan (the latter over at my sister’s house)
Watching: Howl’s Moving Castle, Murder Mystery, and Crazy Rich Asians.
Added to the Hoard
For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to DAW for Gryphon in Light, and to Kensington for Silver Lady!
Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: The Bookshop Murder; Lady of Fortune; Postern of Fate; Old as the Hills
Anne - Books of My Heart
Well yeah for being home. But it was awesome you could help and be with your family this last month. I hope things get smoothly caught up and you don’t stress over it.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…🎧 No Surrender by Morgan Brice @MorganBriceBook @sfkale @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooks @sophiarose1816
So nice to be home I’m sure and so glad your stepdad is doing well and healing nicely. I will cross my fingers that another surgery isn’t needed. That’s one of my favorite Nora Roberts trilogies and I’m looking forward to starting the Jill Shalvis book soon. I’ve been really enjoying her books lately. Have a great week!
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits
It is always wonderful to be home! Though it’s also really good that you were able to go help out so much.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books I Recommend to Others the Most
La La in the Library
Yay for being home! I’m glad to hear your stepfather is mobile. I hope he isn’t in too much pain. 🙌🙌🙌
You are very busy, but it all sounds interesting. 😊
I’ve had Wingspan on my son’s Yule gift list for a couple of years now, but I’ve held off from buying it for him until we can move. We already have three giant boxes of games packed! I may have even first heard about it on your Instagram account. 🤔
La La in the Library recently posted…TELL ME TUESDAY #399 – Last. Now. Nest. – April Reading Wrap-Up #IRead #AmReading #Reading #Books
Wingspan is a great game, especially if you like birds! Thank you for the good wishes for my stepdad. The pain isn’t bad, thankfully. Best of luck with your move!