Books Read – MONTH 2023

- Whiskey Beach (Nora Roberts) – reread
- The Next Always (Nora Roberts) – reread
- The Last Boyfriend (Nora Roberts) – reread
- The Perfect Hope (Nora Roberts) – reread
- The Liar (Nora Roberts) – reread; reviewed 9/26/2019
- The Collector (Nora Roberts) – reread; reviewed 10/27/2014
- Key of Light (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Key of Knowledge (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Key of Valor (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Sparkling Cyanide (Agatha Christie) – reread
- Murder at Queen’s Landing (Andrea Penrose)
- Tribute (Nora Roberts) – reread; reviewed 10/25/2017
- Identity (Nora Roberts) – ARC; reviewed 4/28/2023
- Unraveling: What I Learned About Life While Shearing Sheep, Dyeing Wool, and Making the World’s Ugliest Sweater (Peggy Orenstein)
These are the books I read for various challenges, but I have not written or posted all the reviews yet, so they won’t all show up on my 2023 Challenges tracking page. All title links go to my reviews.
Goodreads Challenge 2023: 14 books read in April. 65 books read so far this year, toward my year-end goal of 175 books. (Titles listed above.)
#23in2023: 0 books read and 0 books reviewed in April. For the year, 5 books read and 1 book reviewed so far, toward my year-end goal of 23 books.
Audiobook Challenge 2023: 0 audiobooks completed or reviewed in April, although I did make it halfway through one. For the year, 6 audiobooks listened to and 2 audiobooks reviewed so far, toward my goal of 6 books.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2023: 1 book read in April (Murder at Queen’s Landing.) 0 books reviewed in April. For the year, 8 books read and 1 books reviewed so far, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 16 books.
Library Love 2023: 1 book read in April (Unraveling.) 0 books reviewed in April. For the year, 2 books read and 1 book reviewed so far, toward my year-end goal of 12 books. NOTE: 2 books read & 1 book reviewed through April.
NetGalley & Edelweiss Challenge 2023: 1 book read and reviewed in April (Identity), although I had also read it in March. (I needed to reread it in order to write the review.) For the year, 10 books read and 4 books reviewed so far, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 15 books. Current NetGalley percentage: 53%. NOTE: 10 books read and 4 books reviewed through April.
Read Christie 2023: 1 books read but not reviewed in April (Sparkling Cyanide.) For the year, 4 books read and 0 books reviewed so far, toward my year-end goal of 12 books. NOTE: 4 books read but 0 reviewed through April.
COYER Upside Down Chapter 1: 14 books read in April (all titles above), but only 1 book reviewed (titles.) The challenge is now complete, and I met my goal! Since the challenge started on January 1st, I have read 62 books and reviewed 11 of them, beating my goal of reading and reviewing 10 books. (All books read during this period counted toward the challenge, but technically, I only counted the ones I actually reviewed.)
My reading slowed down this month, particularly after I flew out west to help out my parents while my stepdad recovers from a fall and subsequent surgery. And the anxiety of worrying about him propelled me into a rereading binge, so I hardly read any new-to-me books in April.
When it comes to reviewing books, though, April was dismal. I only wrote and posted one review, which means I am now way behind.
COYER Upside Down, Chapter 1 is over, and I met my goal of reading and reviewing 10 books. (I read a whole lot more, but I only reviewed 11 of them.)
My book buying is also down, which was one of my secondary goals for the year. I bought some books and ebooks in April, but significantly fewer than I was buying per month in 2022, so that’s good.
Anne - Books of My Heart
It seems like you did really well all considered. I have started buying Nora Roberts books but I haven’t read many yet except all the JD Robb ones.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…🎧 The Dying Place by Charly Cox @charlylynncox #KateZane @HeraBooks @TantorAudio #LoveAudiobooks
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
Changes like that can really upset a reading routine. I hope you settle back into your reading habit again soon, but also that you are gentle with yourself in all the unexpected things that April brought. Helping out family is way more important than writing book reviews. 😉
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…W&W ~ The Bone Witch Readalong ~ Week One
Thank you; your whole comment feels like a warm hug! And an important reminder to be kind to myself. 🙂
La La in the Library
I still think you did very well! 👏👏👏
For the last couple of years I’ve been trying to borrow more books from Hoopla and Libby, for more recently published titles, as much as I can so I have more money to buy more special editions of the classics I collect. Heh heh. 😊
I hope everything is going well with your stepfather. 🙌
La La in the Library recently posted…TELL ME TUESDAY #399 – Last. Now. Nest. – April Reading Wrap-Up #IRead #AmReading #Reading #Books
My library has Libby, but not Hoopla. I do borrow ebooks or audiobooks, although for new releases there’s usually a pretty long waiting line. I used to buy a lot of Kindlebooks on sale. I’ve been a bit more cautious with those recently; I check the library first to see if the book is available to borrow. If so, I don’t buy it — unless it’s an author I reread frequently, or an author I want to support. So I’ve been buying fewer ebooks, but I still do buy some. Like you, I’m starting to collect special, collectible, and/or out-of-print editions of some of the books I love.
Rereading is my favorite comfort reading and you’ve reread some fantastic books. Sparkling Cyanide is one of my favorite Christies and I love all the Nora Roberts you reread. I hope May is a happier and less stressful month for you.
I did enjoy my NR rereading binge. She tells great stories. Maybe it’s odd to find romantic suspense or books full of battles with demonic creatures comforting, but the sheer familiarity is reassuring. I don’t have to worry about what’s coming next, because I already know. I can just enjoy spending time with characters I like.