Sunday Post – 9/22/2024

September 22, 2024 Sunday Post 10

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

The Past Week

In real life: My relative is doing better post-surgery (yay! I am so thankful!), but will continue to need help and support for several more weeks.

I was able to get back to work on my current freelance project part-time, thanks to Mr. Bookwyrm, who has taken on a lot of the logistical support (running errands, shopping, cleaning, as well as caregiving as needed.) Work was interrupted by a catastrophic software failure on Saturday, but my amazing IT guy (i.e., Mr. Bookwyrm) was able to solve the problem and get me back up and running. I still lost pretty much the whole day, though.

We also had a hailstorm on Saturday. Small hail, thank goodness: mostly pea-sized to dime-sized. I tried to get photos through the window, but they aren’t very good, so I won’t post them here.

Recent Posts

Looking Ahead

  • reviews if I have time (not likely)
  • Sunday Post – 9/29/2024

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching (since 7/14/2024)

Reading and listening: Given current stress levels, I continued bingeing my way through Celia Lake’s books, rereading In the Cards, Point by Point, and Carry On. I was excited to read her newest release, Enchanted Net (cover pictured below), which came out Friday, but I think I might wait until the other two books in the trilogy come out. It’s a historical fantasy romance told over a 3-book arc, and I’d kind of like to read them straight through. The other two books are due out in November and December, so thankfully it won’t be a long wait. With that decided (assuming I stick to it!), I turned my attention to finishing up A Marriage of Undead Inconvenience by Stephanie Burgis, which is a short novella and quite fun.

Listening to: I really haven’t had time to listen to anything in a while. Maybe in a week or two.

Watching: Same for television: no time for it, and when I do have time, I’d rather read.

Playing: A little bit of Pokemon Go, and my usual NYT word games: Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Spelling Bee.

Added to the Hoard

Kindle: Well Travelled; Tightrope; White Smoke; Enchanted Net. That last one was a preorder from one of my current favorite indie authors; it arrived on my Kindle Friday night.

Stay kind and hopeful… and may your books bring you joy this week!

10 Responses to “Sunday Post – 9/22/2024”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I really need to write reviews for more of her books. So far, I have only reviewed Pastiche. I find it hard to put into words just why I’m so obsessed with her books. I mean, they aren’t perfect, but most of them really resonate with me. It’s a combination of the worldbuilding (a hidden, magical Britain of the late 1800s through about 1946, similar to the wizarding world of the Harry Potter books, but less quirky, less capricious, and more consistent in how it works), the relationships with their scrupulous attention to consent as well as care and respect for the other person, and the way the books move fairly slowly and have relatively low stakes. This isn’t save-the-world fantasy, it’s make-the-world-a-slightly-better-place fantasy.

  1. Katherine

    So glad your relative’s surgery went well and that they are recovering but recovery is such a slow road and not to be rushed. I hope you are taking care of yourself as well. Tightrope was a fun book! I really enjoyed that whole Amanda Quick series. I hope you’re having a wonderful week.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      They’re doing better each day, thank you. I loved the Burning Cove series, too! I hope your week goes well, and that you didn’t get hit too hard with all the wind and rain from Hurricane Helene. (I remember you are in the South, but I’m not sure where you were in relation to the storm track.)