The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.
Last Week
In real life: I had a lovely final week in New Mexico. I saw my first mountain bluebird, spent several afternoons playing games at my sister’s house, went to dinner with friends of my parents (who are becoming friends of mine; they’re between my parent’s generation and mine), and had several nice evenings with Robin.
I’m now in Utah, visiting my dad and stepmom for a week and a half before heading home next week. They are in their early-to-mid-90s, and have slowed down quite a bit. I plan do to the cooking and help run errands while I am here. I also hope to see a few of my cousins, if they are in town. And visit a few bookshops!
Blog woes: The cost of hosting the blog at my current big-name webhost keeps going up, and I just can’t justify it anymore. I need to find a less-expensive alternative…preferably one that supports (the self-hosted WordPress, not the free one), because I would like to keep using UBB (Ultimate Book Blogger) plugin. I’m exploring some options, but I’m open to suggestions!
Recent Posts

- Sunday Post – 8/27/2023
- Monthly Wrap-Up – August 2023
- Reading Challenge: COYER Upside Down, Chapter 3
- Sunday Post – 9/03/2023 – this post
Looking Ahead
- A Fatal Illusion, by Anna Lee Huber – review
- Sunday Post – 9/10/2023
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished rereading On the Bias by Celia Lake, as well as a novelette-length collection of related scenes (“Unexplored Territory,” an author freebie), and two related novels, In the Cards and Point by Point. I also finished Murder at the Merton Library by Andrea Penrose (ARC), which I buddy-read with Sophia Rose. Currently, I’m partway through both Claws and Contrivances by Stephanie Burgis and Anything with Nothing, a Valdemar anthology that includes a novella by Mercedes Lackey (both books are ARCs.)
Listening to: I still haven’t started Shattered by Kevin Hearne, but I need to either listen to it or read it before the chat on Sept. 10… though I may not be able to attend the chat, because of family obligations.
Playing: Wordle and the NYT Spelling Bee, and Robin and I played a bit of Pokemon Go. I also played both Rummikub and Wingspan over at my sister’s house.
Watching: I didn’t actually watch anything this week, though Dad and my stepmom had the Colorado Rockies games on Friday evening and yesterday.
Added to the Hoard
For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s) for A Fragile Enchantment, and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for Balancing Act!
Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Killers of a Certain Age; Station Eternity (reviewed 2022); Back to the Garden; A War of Swallowed Stars; Heroine Complex; The Personal Librarian. (All books on sale except The Personal Librarian)
(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)
Anne - Books of My Heart
I love that you get to visit family and enjoy events and games and just daily life with them. It’s wonderful you can do it. Shattered was excellent so I hope you enjoy it too. I host with Ashley( Nosegraze) and that includes all her UBB plugins and stuff. I chose to do that from the beginning and I feel she’s pretty reasonable, although if you have already paid for the UBB stuff it may not seem as good a deal. I switched my domain name over to her also which was more reasonable. I’d check out that option anyway.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Celestial Persuasion by Mirta Ines Trupp #MirtaInesTrupp @sophiarose1816 #ThriftyThursday
I am really fortunate to have a (self-employed) job that is both flexible and portable, and a husband who fully supports me spending time with my family — especially my parents, while I still have them. I do miss him a lot when we’re apart, but I am so grateful for the time with my family, and I know I’ll have fewer regrets when my parents eventually pass on. (May that be a long time in coming!)
Ashley is definitely one of the options I am considering! Her cost was higher than my current webhost when I first started, but my current host keeps raising prices, and now Nosegraze is definitely the better option (and has been for several years, though I didn’t know it.)
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Nice to hear you’re still enjoying family time. I need to start Shattered too! I loved A Fatal Illusion! The series is wonderful. Nice to find a fellow fan! Have a wonderful week!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted…Review: My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine
Thank you for stopping by! I plan to start Shattered this evening. I’ll be alternating between listening and reading this time around, because I’m short on time.
Barb @ Booker T's Farm
Sounds like you are having some nice family time. Hope you can find d a blogging g option that works! Safe travels.
Barb @ Booker T’s Farm recently posted…Farm News – September 3, 2023
Thanks, I hope so, too!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I’m hosted with Nosegraze too. I don’t think it’s the cheapest option, but I’ve had no problems over the years.
That says a lot. And it would be significantly less than I’m paying now. They are definitely moving to the top of my list.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits
Sounds like a lovely bunch of family visits! I hope you enjoy your visits this week, too!
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books That Defied My Expectations
Good luck with your decision! I wish I had some good recommendations for you. 🙂
So glad you had a great last week of visits and that there were bookshops involved! Good luck with the blog hosting decision. I hope you’re having a wonderful week and enjoying your reading!
Katherine recently posted…Friday Fives – Five Bookish Books On My TBR
Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts
I’m glad you had a lovely week in New Mexico, and I hope you enjoy your stay in Utah visiting your dad and stepmom!
I’m with Lyrical Host, which is about roughly the same price as Nosegraze (though with a yearly plan I save a month I think?). The support is super helpful, and they also offer free transfers as well for self-hosted WordPress – I recently moved back in 2021 when my old host decided to close down.
I also hosted with Nosegraze as well when I first switched from Blogger to WordPress but ended up switching (to the now closed one) due to budget at the time. I don’t recall any issues when hosting with Ashley (she’s a fantastic option if you’re not very techy and not sure about which plugins to install since you do have to ask her to install, and she’s pretty quick with support requests too).
Hopefully you’ll find a new web host soon!
Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts recently posted…Bookwyrm Breakdown: July + August 2023, Where I Actually Get to Rest (!!!)
Literary Feline
I am glad you had a nice trip to New Mexico and hope you continue to enjoy your time in Utah with your dad. I hope you are able to find a solution for your blog woes. I hope you enjoy Killer of a Certain Age when you read it. It was one I liked. Your other new books sound good too. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading!
Literary Feline recently posted…Weekly Mews: September Already and Juggling Books (Please Vote in my TBR List Poll!)