The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
I spent a pretty quiet week after last week’s and weekend’s rush to get an indexing project finished. I kept things simple and quiet on the blog this week, too. I’ve needed it; I’m still feeling sad, still prone to occasional tears. But the calmer week has helped, and given me time to heal.
Last Week on the Blog

- Mon. 2/01: Monthly Wrap-Up – January 2016
- Wed. 2/03: TOUR: Murder on Wheels, with guest post by Lynn Cahoon
- Fri. 2/05: Treasures from the Hoard: Take a Thief (Mercedes Lackey) – review
- Sat. 2/06: News & Notes 2/05/16
- Sun. 2/07: Sunday Post 2/06/16
Upcoming on the Blog

- Mon. 2/08: Switcheroo (Aaron Elkins) – review
- Tues. 2/09: My Favorite Series Couples – Top Ten Tuesday
- Wed. 2/10: TBD
- Thur. 2/11: TOUR: Death and the Brewmaster’s Widow – review
- Fri. 2/12: TBD
- Sat. 2/13: News & Notes 2/13/16 – tentative
- Sun. 2/14: Sunday Post 2/14/16 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
I finished Switcheroo (Aaron Elkins), one of the ARCs I received last week, as well as Death and the Brewmaster’s Widow for next week’s tour. I also re-read an early Anne McCaffrey, Restoree. Hopefully I’ll be working on a few historical romances and starting on Cathy Ace’s The Case of the Missing Morris Dancer this coming week. (Or I might jump ahead and read the new Amanda Quick novel!)
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review

Purchased for Kindle
I’ve read Cat Among the Pigeons, The Mystery Woman (review), The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy, and Restoree before, but like them enough to want them in Kindle. Ensnared completes my trilogy, so I can read it straight through whenever the mood strikes me. Steelheart and the writing book are mostly for Robin, but I expect I’ll read them too, eventually. All of these were on sale except the Lackey trilogy.
From the Library

And there’s at least one other book waiting for me to pick it up.
I hope you have a terrific week, and happy reading!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I’ll be curious to see what you thought of the new Loretta Ross. I enjoyed it but had a few issues but the enjoyment won out! It looks like you got some great books. I’m curious about the Aaron Elkins. I haven’t read him in forever but I used to love his books. Have a great week and hugs. It sounds like a quiet week was just what you needed.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – February 7
I really enjoyed the new Loretta Ross, but I solved it within the first 30%, maybe less. I’m curious about your issues with it; I don’t think I’m reading very critically right now because I’m still having trouble concentrating, so I may have missed a few things. Thanks for the good wishes and the hugs — I’ll take all of those I can get! 🙂
I feel you on the emotions Lark, Some days are good and others not so much. Keeping busy and knowing when to just slip away into a book, myself or a movie helps.So do my peeps. I see Amanda Quick up there..guaranteed to make you smile.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #199 -Snow Days and Books
I know what you are going through right now is miles beyond what I’m feeling, and I’m so sorry. I’ve been praying for you… and I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself and giving yourself the quiet time you need when you need it, too. And yes, I had the same thought re the Amanda Quick book.
Murder on Wheels looks good, and I like that cover of Restoree. I’ve never read that one- to be honest, I haven’t read a lot of McCaffrey , now that I think about it. For as much sci fi as I read as a kid, I’m kinda surprised. Hmm. I did tackle some older stuff for Vintage SciFi month but not as much as I would have preferred. Like the Christie cover too. 🙂
Hope you like School for Unusual Girls, I thought it was pretty good.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #128
I loved McCaffrey from the time I first discovered her in the late 1970s. I read pretty much everything she wrote! Thanks for the recommendation on A School for Unusual Girls; I’m looking forward to reading it.
Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic
I read Cat Among the Pigeons and Restoree years ago, but don’t really remember them. Maybe I need to find time to read them again.
And so good you had a quiet week, Lark. It takes time to work through grief, but the quiet times–and books–help, I think.
Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic recently posted…Sunday Post: Feb 7
Quiet times, reading, knitting, hugs… those are all really good when one feels sad for whatever reason.
Ensnared was pretty good! I hope you enjoy it!
Tiffany recently posted…THE WEEK IN REVIEW: “Books, Books, and More Books” (January 31st – February 6th)
I need to read the middle one first. I read the first and then got distracted from the series.
Literary Feline
I wish I was there to give you a hug. You’ve been dealing with so much. I just couldn’t get my act together last week to post. This week should be better for me. I have yet to read anything by Anne McCaffrey, which seems a crime somehow. The Last Herald Mage trilogy was my first introduction to Valdemar and Mercedes Lackey. 🙂
I hope you have a better week! I’m thinking of you.
Literary Feline recently posted…Sunday Post: Missing Children, Dragons, & February TBR Poll
Thank you so much! And I’m sorry you’ve had a tough week too; I hope this week will go better for you.
I also hope you’ll try McCaffrey sometime. I love her Pern series, and the first two Talents novels (The Rowan and Damia.)
Great books on your list…the Loretta Ross books look good. I haven’t tried her books yet.
I loved Murder on Wheels. I saw your comment on Goodreads and the 1 star was an error. I haven’t posted my review on Goodreads yet. I always wait until my blog tour date comes to do that 🙂
Anyway, I hope this is a better week for you! Take care.
Oh, I think you would love Loretta Ross’s series! It’s only two books so far, but I’ve really liked them both.
I saw your note on GR about fixing that one-star. It’s so easy to click something by accident! I don’t post my reviews there until they are live on my blog, either — in fact, not for a few days afterward.
Thank you, and I wish you a wonderful week too.
Michelle@Because Reading
Sometimes it’s nice to just keep things quiet you need it after the rough start to your year.
I hope this week is a better one for you Lark! Happy Reading!!! oxoxo
Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…2015/2016 #Coyer Winter Update
Thank you, Michelle — for the hugs and the good wishes!
Laura Thomas
Gosh. So many wonderful books this week. I have a couple, but see some I’ll be checking out. Switcheroo looks fun! We all need down time from our computers. We come back refreshed and ready to go at it again.
My Sunday Post –
Laura Thomas recently posted…Five friends on the open seas ~ Good Morning Diego Garcia by Susan Joyce ~ Blast & Giveaway
Downtime is good and healing, but now I need to get back to my normal routine, get busy with my current index project — and find time to exercise, too.
Michelle @ In Libris Veritas
I really hope things get a bit quieter for you this week and that you have time to recoup and feel a bit back to normal. This year has been a rough one already, and I think a lot of us are just trying to keep our heads above water right now.
It looks like you got a lot of great books though, so here’s hoping you get a chance to sit down with some of them and relax!
Michelle @ In Libris Veritas recently posted…Sunday Post (191)
Thank you, Michelle. I think you’re right. It’s certainly been a rough year so far for a number of people I know.
I am glad to hear you had a calmer week and it hlped you heal a bit! I own the first Tourist Trap Mystery book, it sounds like a great series! I hope you’ll have another calm week!
Lola recently posted…Review: The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kirsten Weiss
Thank you, Lola. I hope you’ll enjoy the Tourist Trap Mysteries!
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
*hugs* I am glad this week was a little better for you. I hope the weeks continue like this. Years after the deaths of my loved ones, I find myself in bouts of emotions. I’ve been going through one recently in regards to my cousin who passed in 2011. They do live on in our hearts.
Thank you, Charlie. And *hugs* to you, too; even several years later, the grief can overwhelm you unexpectedly. Yet we wouldn’t want to forget our loved ones. Thankfully, over time, the joyful memories come more to the fore and the moments of grief swamp you less often.