The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
The most exciting news of the week is that Robin won the student competition for the (nationally-acclaimed) literary magazine published by her college – in two categories, poetry and creative nonfiction. She’s getting published! Only the first place student works are published in the magazine, which mostly publishes work submitted by (adult) writers across the nation. Of course, we’re delighted, excited, and proud!
After that news, the rest of the week seemed almost anticlimactic, but Mr. Bookwyrm and I had fun at a fundraising dinner for our (really) local library on Friday night.
In blogging news, I got my courage up to approach a publishing house for the first time to request an ARC that hadn’t shown up on NetGalley or Edelweis. And I got approved! They’re sending me a copy right away. Now I’ll feel a little more confident about asking for other books that aren’t on the digital review copy sites, but that I really want to read. After all, the worst they can do is say no, and then I’m no worse off than I was before I asked.
I hit a bit of a reading slump this past week, but I think I’m emerging from it now. I hope so, anyway! Despite it, I managed to get all my posts done for the coming week (except News & Notes; I have to work on that during the week.) And I have a few reviews in progress for later weeks as well. Little by little, I’m working back toward being 2 to 3 weeks ahead – at least in reviews.
Last Week on the Blog

- Mon. 2/02/15: Dreaming Spies (review)
- Tues. 2/03/15: Ten Fantasy Books I Want to Read (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed. 2/04/15: Twenty Questions with the Bookwyrm’s Hoard
- Fri. 2/06/15: January Challenge Update
- Sat. 2/07/15: News & Notes 2/07/15
Next Week on the Blog
- Mon. 2/09/15: First Time in Forever (review)
- Tues. 2/10/15: Ten 10 Things I Like/Dislike About Romance in Books (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed. 2/11/15: Too many books or Kindle Unlimited: Why sales may be down (thoughts)
- Thur. 2/12/15: The Accidental Alchemist (review)
- Fri. 2/13/15: I Mustache You Some Questions
- Sat. 2/14/15: News & Notes 2/14/15
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review
Kindle Bargains and Freebies
Print (used)
So excited for Robin and just look at all those pretty review books. Enjoy them all, looking forward to your thoughts on the new Morgan book
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #146- Snow and reading by the fire
Thank you, Kimba! Yes, some lovely books this week!
Red Iza
Wow, congrats for Robin, it’s impressive and you must be so proud ! And it feels so good to have reviews ahead 😉 Have a great week !
Red Iza recently posted…The sunday post #8
Thank you! It does feel good to finally have gotten a little ahead again.
Cait @ Paper Fury
Congrats to Robin for the win!! AHHH!! Being published is an amazing success!! I love the look of those dragony books, especially The Search of the Lost Dragons. xD I’m going to read Eon at some stage (it’s sitting on my daunting tbr) and I’m soo excited. xD
My Sunday Post!
Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…Weekly Fury #42 // To Kill A Mockingbird has a sequel?! Twitter drama. And I get ALL THE BOOKS.
Given that my mascot is a dragon, I couldn’t resist that dragon book! I haven’t read Eon yet – but I know all about daunting TBR piles…
Laura @ trips down imagination road
Congrats to Robin! And on getting the book you wanted from a publisher 🙂
Laura @ trips down imagination road recently posted…Book: Havoc by Autumn Grey
Thank you! And thanks for stopping by.
Megan Mc Dade
Congratulations to Robin 🙂 Enjoy all the books you got. Go you with the publisher it took me a while to feel comfortable to approach publishers about interviews books ETC 🙂
Megan Mc Dade recently posted…Sunday Post #8
It took me a while, too – I’ve been blogging for over 5 years! 🙂
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian
Wonderful news for Robin! Wishing her continued success! Enjoy your new books and the week ahead.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian recently posted…Weekly Book Recap #97
Thanks, Catherine! I hope you have a great week too.
sherry fundin
That is awesome for Robin. Congrats! You have some interesting looking books on your reading list. I hope you enjoy them.
sherry fundin recently posted…Sherry’s Shelves #34 ~ Books & Reading
Thank you! And thanks for stopping by.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
That’s awesome for Robin! How exciting! I’ve got the Sarah Morgan book coming up and am looking forward to it. I loved her O’Neal series and hope this one is good. I’m impressed that you contacted the publisher. You’re so right that the worst they can do is say no but it’s just not something I ever think to do. Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – February 8
I liked the Sarah Morgan – I’ll definitely be reading the O’Neal series, though I might save it for next holiday season, since two of the three books are Christmassy. As for contacting the publisher, it is book three in a paranormal cozy mystery series, and I reviewed the first two as ARCs. So when it didn’t show up on NetGalley or Edelweiss, I thought “what the heck, I’ll try” and didn’t give myself time to chicken out! Now I will feel braver about asking for other books I really, really want to read.
Congratulations to your daughter- that’s awesome! And enjoy the aRC too.
Thanks, Greg! I certainly hope to, once it gets here!
Angie @Angela's Anxious Life
I’ve tried to request books before through a publisher but didn’t even hear anything back. I don’t know exactly how to do that I guess. BOO!
Angie @Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Sunday Post
Well, I lucked out; this publisher had a “publicity” email address on their “contact us” page, so I used it. But I don’t think every publisher is good about replying. Thank you St. Martin’s Press!
Looks like you had an awesome week!! Check out my week if you want to 🙂
Elizabeth recently posted…Sunday Post
Thanks, Elizabeth!
Enjoy all your new reads!! 🙂
Stormi recently posted…Murder at the Reinhart|Part 1: Lynn Cahoon
Thank you, Stormi! I’ll come check out the Murder at the Reinhart posts later this week – I want to read both authors’ full stories.
laura thomas
Way to go for Robin!! I have my eye on a few of your books this week. Looking forward to your review of The Accidental Alchemist. I really liked it and will be reading more of the series. Have fun with you new books.
My Sunday Post –
laura thomas recently posted…Monday Minis Reviews #37 ~ The Zombie Combat Field Guide
Thank you! I liked The Accidental Alchemist too – especially Dorian. And Max.