The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
Well, I’m back into the thick of indexing, plus trying to get things ready for my choruses to start up. I’m looking at the calendar and panicking—I have so much to do this coming week, and nearly as much in the two weeks after that. So please accept my apologies if I’m a bit slow to get around to comments and visits. I’m trying, I really am!
Other than that, I have very little news. I managed to get out for a walk a few times this week, thanks to the lovely weather. Mr. Bookwyrm and I have enjoyed the break in the heat, but we’re headed back into the mid-80s this week. (At least it’s not the 90s—I hope we’ve seen the end of those for this year.) And Robin’s block course is over, which I’m sure is a relief for her, as it involved a lot of intense creative work and not enough sleep. But she did well, writing over 50K words in about a month. (If it sounds like NaNoWriMo, it basically was.)
Next weekend, both the National Book Festival in DC and the Baltimore Book Festival are taking place…and I’m not sure I’ll have the time to go to either of them. I’ll probably be working all weekend. If I do go, though, I’ll be sure to take my camera!
Last Week on the Blog

- Mon. 9/12/16: Wait, It’s Monday Already? (Sunday Post)
- Tues. 9/13/16: I’m Joining the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon
- Thurs. 9/15/16: There’s No Such Thing as an Original Idea: Creativity and Borrowed Plots
- Sat. 9/17/16: News & Notes – 9/17/16
- Sat. 9/17/16: A Discovery of Witches Real-Time Read-Along
- Sun. 9/18/16: Sunday Post – 9/18/16 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Mon. 9/19/16: Movie Review: The Imitation Game
- Tues. 9/20/16: Audibooks – Top Ten Tuesday; tentative
- Wed. 9/21/16: TBD
- Thurs. 9/22/16: The Life She Wants (Robyn Carr) – tour
- Fri. 9/23/16: TBD
- Sat. 9/24/16: News & Notes – tentative
- Sun. 9/25/16: Sunday Post – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
I’m almost finished with Shades of Milk and Honey, the first in the Glamourist Histories by Mary Robinette Kowal (purchased), which is like Jane Austen with artistic magic. I’ve been re-reading the Collegium Chronicles by Mercedes Lackey; not my favorites of hers, but enjoyable anyway. Next up is probably either Furthermore by Tahere Mafi, or one of my ARCs.
I’m back to listening to Made in America by Bill Bryson (it’s not narrated by him, unfortunately, but it’s quite interesting.) And we finally watched The Imitation Game, which was amazing! Look for my review on Monday. Plus, we watched Cat Among the Pigeons and Third Girl, both in the Poirot mystery series starring David Suchet; the first was very good and the second merely good. (Although I do love Zoe Wanamaker as Mrs. Oliver, Agatha Christie’s thinly-veiled self-portrait.)
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Many thanks to Kensington and Thomas & Mercer.
Purchased for Kindle

Happy reading!
anna @ herding cats & burning soup
Oh goodness. I can understand the panic. I hope it all goes smooth and quicker than expected.
anna @ herding cats & burning soup recently posted…Tag: The Cat Herder [Edition 22] — choking hazards, pervy dessert & lickable chests
Thank you, Anna! I hope so, too, or it’s going to be another week of insufficient sleep! But it will all get done in the end. 🙂
Michelle @Because Reading
You are busy! I always panic when I look at my calendar but I am trying so hard to get myself more motivated. I hope things even out for you so you aren’t panicking so much.
The weather is insane. I wish it would just pick something already. Preferably in the 70’s would make me happy 🙂
I hope this week is awesome for you, Lark! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Calm, Cool and Productive ~ WIR & TSP
I should be working right this instant, but I’m procrastinating because I’m panicking. Which makes no sense, I know. And I agree, I can’t wait for the weather to settle into nice, crisp 60s and low 70s.
Have a terrific week, Michelle! I hope you get to read some awesome books this week.
I know how it feels to be super busy, that’s for sure. Don’t worry, take a deep breath and it’ll just fly by! How you’ll fee after on the other hand lol… Well good luck 🙂
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post | So Tired!
The “totally slammed” week is behind me and while I’m still busy, this week is going better, thank goodness. Thank you for your good wishes; you always make me feel better!
I thought I posted a comment… But now I’m not sure I hit the button. Grrrr! Anyway, good luck. Take a deep breath and it’ll be past before you know it 🙂
Berls recently posted…Sunday Post | So Tired!
You did post it; for some reason all of a sudden Akismet thinks some of my regular readers are posting spam and has started sticking your e-mails in the spam folder. Grrrr, indeed. I’m sorry; I’ll try to keep a better eye on it from now on.
Darren @ Bart's Bookshelf
Hope you find some time to relax over the next week or two!
Darren @ Bart’s Bookshelf recently posted…Sunday Post 18/09
Thank you, Darren! Me too, TBH.
Loving the new cozies. Crazy, busy weeks always make me panic a little, but somehow it all gets done. I hope you finish up and get to attend the book fair.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #231 Thunderstorms and crisp mornings
It’s not looking great for the book fair at this point, but fingers crossed!
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
I’m seeing the same trend with my calendar, too. I was so far ahead that I have let the blog slide so I can put in a lot of hours up front this school year and now I’m in a bit of a dilemma. I hope it works out for us both!
The blog has definitely been getting short shrift in the last month or so. I’m hoping things ease up a little after I get the current project turned in, but honestly, I don’t see much breathing room until mid-October. Eeep. I hope you’re able to get on top of your calendar and workload soon!