Whew! I worked 12- to 14-hour days this week, and barely had time to moderate comments on the blog, let alone answer any or visit anyone else. I’ll try to catch up this week. But the good news is, the project is done and turned in, and I’ve got a little window before the next few come along. I plan to rebuild my blogging “cushion” (posts I can pull out whenever I need them) and work on getting ahead on scheduled posts, as well.
Last night I was decadent (*giggle*) — as soon as I got the project turned in, I climbed into my PJs, heated up some soup, and spent the evening reading and knitting. Heaven! And so relaxing.
Last week on the blog:

- Mon. 9/15/14: The Secret of Moonacre (movie review)
- Tues. 9/16/14: Top Ten Authors I’ve Only Read One Book By (and need to read more!) (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed. 9/17/14: ABC Book Quiz
- Thur. 9/18/14: Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis (review)
- Sat. 9/20/14: News & Notes – 9/20/14
- Plus, on Tuesday I was over at Herding Cats & Burning Soup, being interviewed by Anna for her Kitten Confessions feature! Anna asked some great questions and really had me laughing (and confessing!)
The coming week:

- Mon. 9/21/14: The Spiritglass Charade (early review)
- Tues. 9/23/14: Top Ten Books on My Fall TBR List (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed. 9/24/14: In the Dragon’s Eye: (W.O.W.)
- Thur. 9/25/14: Wednesdays in the Tower (review) (tentative)
- Fri. 9/26/14: TBD
- Sat. 9/27/14: News & Notes – 9/27/14
- Plus, on Friday (or sometime this week), I’ll be over at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer for a guest post! Kimba’s taking a little time off while her daughter gets married (congratulations!)
New additions to the hoard:
(Cover links go to Goodreads)
Bought or free for my Kindle:
I read and reviewed The Clockwork Scarab as an ARC; it went on sale because book 2 is coming out (I’ll be reviewing book 2 this week). I grabbed it in case I need to re-read the series whenever book 3 comes out. I have book 1 of the Jodi McIsaac series, so when the second and third went on sale, I picked them up even though I haven’t read the first one yet.
Both of these went on sale. I’ve heard good things about Laura Kinsale and the Amazon reviews looked good. And I’ve got one or two of Ruth Downie’s Roman-era mystery series already, and have been meaning to start reading them.
Have a wonderful week and happy reading!
YAY for being done!!!! Your interview at Anna’s was so much fun to read, I really enjoyed it. 🙂
I am such a smuthound; I read “Beastkeeper” as “Breastkeeper” Whaaaat? I’m reading an erotic romance right now. 😀
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
LOL! I’ve done that sort of thing, too, but that’s a funny one. Glad you enjoyed the interview; I had a ball doing it!
I read the first Jodi McIsaac and thought it was pretty good- I have the third one but not the second one, for some reason. Also nice to see Wednesdays in the Tower coming up- my daughter is very fond of those books and I believe the third one is coming soon.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Oh, I’m glad to hear you liked the Jodi McIsaac. I need to find time to squeeze those in somehow. And yes, Thursdays with the Crown comes out October 7th. I’ve put a hold on it at the library already!
Anna (herding cats-burning soup)
What a neat cover on the Clockwork Scarab! Freaks me out a little but still neat 🙂 Thanks again for coming over to visit with the herd earlier this week 😀
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Thanks for having me – it was so much fun!
Angela's Anxious Life
I have recently been wishing I knew how to knit. I have no one to show me. My mom is supposed to retire in a few years to where I live and when she gets here I am going to have her show me how. Look forward to you getting back to commenting!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Angela, if you lived anywhere near me, I would offer to teach you in a heartbeat! It’s so good for those of us with anxiety – especially when you have a pattern you don’t have to think too much about, and can just let your hands do the work. I think it’s a little like meditating – it slows your brain down. Knitting helped me stay calm(er) when our daughter was hospitalized for a month when she was young.
Katherine P
Glad to see you again! Love how you spent your evening when you finished the project. Hope you’re feeling recharged! I got the Fairy Garden book too! The approval didn’t come through until after I had put my Post together and I was too lazy to change it so it’ll be showing up next week. I almost got the Victoria Alexander but I haven’t read the previous one yet and I’m trying to get caught up. But I really really want it! Have a great week!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Thanks, Katherine! I’m feeling somewhat better, but still tired and even a little shaky – I need to get back to exercising and eating right. The Fairy Garden book is cute, and some of the designs are awesome. I’ve found with Victoria Alexander that they do all right even if I haven’t read the previous ones, so I figured I would just jump back in. It’s got to be three or four years since I read one. I hope you get it!
Red Iza
I had the Jodi McIsaac series in my sights, too, haven’t read it yet but I l hope it’s as good as it looks ! Have a great week 😉
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Some people (hi, Greg!) have enjoyed the first one, and the whole Celtic think is so up my alley — so I’m hoping, too!
Nyze Gremio-Velasco
Nice books you got there ♥
Here’s my latest haul :
Newly Owned to Read! #3
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Thanks! I’m looking forward to reading them.
I’m super behind on commenting and reading blogs at the moment myself. >_< Trying desperately to catch up, lol! XD I hope you do well. Lucky for me I still have a lot of a blogging backup of posts, so phewf. I’m right for now. The Clockwork Scarab sounds really interesting!
Thanks for stopping by @ Notebook Sisters!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
You’re welcome, and I’m glad I’m not the only having problems. The Clockwork Scarab was fun, but the second book was better – the review posted today (Monday 9/22/14.)
Laura Thomas
So many delightful and exciting books and i’m blown away by some the covers!
I’m reading Chorus Lines right now. Nothing like a fun cozy. My Tbr is going to grow even bigger now that I’ve seen some of these. LOL
Here is my Sunday Post – http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/09/21/whats-new-on-my-bookshelf-79-and-the-sunday-post-now-thats-a-lot-of-books/
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Oh, I’m glad you’re enjoying Chorus Lines! It’s funny; I think they sent it to me by mistake, instead of a different title that I’m on a tour for. My lucky day!
If I don’t stop adding all the shiny new books to my TBR list, I’m going to still be reading a hundred years from now! Thanks for stopping by.
Stephanie Shepherd
First of all congrats on getting the project done AND for taking care of yourself when it was done! You must share your secret on getting ahead with posts – I feel like I’m always scrambling (probably because I am:). Your posts are always shipshape too – no grammar or spelling typos. I’m a little in awe! I am also playing catch up this week with commenting and other blogs so sorry if random comments show up on weeks old posts!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Thank you, Stephanie! Well, I was ahead on posts, but now I’m scrambling again. And the tidiness comes with a price; I”m a former English teacher and a perfectionist, so I take a long time writing my posts. (Even then, I catch a typo now and then after I’ve posted, and cringe.)
As far as getting ahead with posts… When I can, I try to prepare some extra posts – ones that could really be used any time. For instance, my “Treasures from the Hoard” reviews are for books I’ve loved and read over and over. Since the books are years, even decades (or centuries) old, there’s no time crunch like there is for a new or forthcoming release. I try to keep a few of of those, and some features like a post on book cakes, on hand for emergencies – like when I’m in the middle of a killer project and can’t get any reviews written. Then, I also try to read and review new releases ahead of when I’m going to need to post them. That’s where I’ve really fallen down recently, so I need to buckle down and write the reviews for the books I’ve read over the last two weeks!