Tag: author earnings

News & Notes – 10/22/16

News & Notes – 10/22/16

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News Bob Dylan wins the Nobel Prize for Literature. (NPR) Considered a longshot before the announcement, Dylan has yet to acknowledge the award personally, but… Read more »


News & Notes – 8/06/16

News & Notes – 8/06/16

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News Goodreads’ new homepage design rolled out this week. (Goodreads blog) The Man Booker Prize longlist for 2016 was announced. (Man Booker Prize) Writers Organizations Condemn… Read more »


News & Notes – 6/11/16

News & Notes – 6/11/16

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News AuthorEarnings releases “Definitive Study of Amazon Author Earnings”. Using a software spider, they looked at almost every ebook title sold on Amazon, whether traditionally… Read more »


News & Notes – 1/24/15

News & Notes – 1/24/15

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News 2015 Edgar Awards finalists announced (Los Angeles Times) National Book Critics Circle Awards finalists announced (National Book Critics Circle blog) Many authors earn less… Read more »

