April New Releases I Can’t Wait to Read

Bellewether by Susanna Kearsley (April 7) Susanna Kearsley is a wonderful writer whose books balance and sometimes blend characters and events in the historical past and the present. I loved A Desparate Fortune, and had the opportunity to hear her speak about Bellewether when Kearsley was writing the first draft. I was immediately intrigued, not least because it’s the first of her books (that I know of) where the historical setting is in North America rather than Europe. I can hardly wait to read it!

Circe by Madeline Miller (April 10) I will admit that I haven’t read The Song of Achilles, mostly because I knew, judging from any number of reviews as well as Robin’s recommendation, that it would rip my heart out. But I’m looking forward to Circe, because I can at least hope for some sort of hopeful resolution. And because the publisher blurb sounds amazing.

The Family Gathering (Sullivan’s Crossing #3) by Robyn Carr (April 24) Robyn Carr’s romances are pretty much auto-buys for me, and I’ve been enjoying the Sullivan’s Crossing series, so I’m definitely looking forward to this one!

The Underwater Ballroom Society, ed. by Tiffany Trent & Stephanie Burgis. (April 30) Inspired by the underwater ballroom at Witley Park (Lea Park) (which also featured in Sarah MacLean’s The Day of the Duchess), Trent & Burgis and a number of their writer friends set about writing SF/F short stories involving the concept of an underwater ballroom. Trent describes it as ” an incredible glimpse into each author’s interpretation of this setting, from a ’30s ballroom to a Martian hotel to a grand rock n’ ball held in the heart of Faery to the historical setting itself.” I was captivated by the idea of the underground ballroom when I first encountered it, and can’t wait to read this anthology with stories by Trent, Burgis, Laura Ann Gilman, Y.S. Lee, Patrick Samphire, and others.
I have a couple Susanna Kearsley books on my TBR, even a physical copy on my shelf – I’m not sure why I haven’t gotten to them yet, they sound perfect for me! Definitely adding Bellewether to my TBR.
Angela recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday: Save The Date
I’m excited for the new Susanna Kearsley book, too! She’s such a great author. 🙂
Neat stuff! I love the cover for Bellewether, and the Underwater Ballroom concept sounds interesting, too.
Nicole recently posted…WIP Wednesday for 28 March 2018
Vellum Voyages
Circe sounds awesome! I’m also loving the cover for ‘The Underwater Ballroom’
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