WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.

I plied most of the Moonstone merino, but I still have a bit more on one bobbin. I’m trying to decide whether to chain-ply it (creating a three-ply yarn) or make a center-pull ball and ply it as a two-ply to match what I already plied.

I finished Crocus, the asymmetrical scarf I started in June (top), and the Cedar Daphne scarf I pulled out of my UFO (unfinished objects) pile during lockdown (bottom). I am really happy with how Crocus turned out. As for Cedar Daphne, I like the pattern and the yarn color, and I’m pleased with the actual knitting. However, I used a cotton-acrylic yarn that is heavy on the acrylic, so the finished scarf did not wet-block very well, and the edges keep curling in. I will either have to live with that, or figure out how to steam block it. Live and learn! (Pattern links available below)

I started a new one-skein shawlette. This is a crescent shawl, Casapinka’s Aquiline pattern. The yarn is New Merino Sustainable Sock, handdyed by Hopkins Fiber Studio in a one-of-a-kind colorway she calls Macaroons… which is also what I’m calling the shawl.
Ravelry, the heretofor indispensable site for all things knitting and crochet, recently released a new site design which has been causing some users to experience headaches, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, and even seizures. They have not responded adequately to complaints. For some of us, the option to revert to the old design has helped, but others are still having problems even with what looks like (but isn’t quite) the old site design. Let me make clear that I believe the people who are experiencing problems, and I’m unhappy with Ravelry for its handling of the issue. I’m not yet at the point of quitting the site, but from now on I will clearly label Ravelry links and provide alternate links where possible, for the sake of those who cannot use the site safely or choose not to use it.
- Crocus Asymmetrical Shawl: My project page on Ravelry. Asymmetrical Shawl pattern available free on Ravelry. Pattern design by Joanne Thread Head (not available on her blog)
- Cedar Daphne scarf: My project page on Ravelry. Daphne pattern available on Ravelry. Pattern design by Saranac Hale Spenser, aka Defarge Knittery (pattern not available on her website)
- Aquiline crescent shawl: My project page on Ravelry. Pattern available on Ravelry. Pattern design by Casapinka (Instagram, Facebook, and Ravelry pages, but patterns only available through Ravelry so far as I know)
Anne - Books of My Heart
I love to see your projects. You do such gorgeous work. I’ve been helping my daughter and not doing much knitting myself.
I just got on Ravelry and saw the changes about a week ago. I prefer the old site look. We will see how it goes.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Murder in the East End by Jennifer Ashley
I hope you can get back to knitting and quilting soon. There’s something very restorative about it.
You can opt back into the old Ravelry, more or less. When you log on, hover over your avatar in the top lefthand corner. The drop-down menu should give you an option to “Switch to Classic Ravelry.” It’s not quite the same as the old one, but for many of us who have visual or neurological issues with the new design, it’s better than the new one.