A Bookwyrm’s Thanksgiving

November 26, 2024 Top Ten Tuesday 7

Graphic: Top Ten Tuesday, www.thatartsyreadergirl.com

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is a Thanksgiving freebie.

10 Bookish Things I’m Thankful For

This Thanksgiving, I’m so thankful for all the bookish friends I have made through this blog and yours!

I’m thankful for the many authors who have poured their hearts and countless hours into writing the books that bring me joy. I’m especially grateful to those who have been kind enough to interact with me personally.

I’m thankful for the many authors who have shared with me their knowledge of the writing craft, directly or through their blogs, podcasts, videos, and books.

I’m thankful for all the books that have captivated me, delighted me, moved me, taught me to better understand the world I live in, offered me hitherto-unknown worlds to escape into, and helped me to experience a myriad of perspectives different from my own.

I’m especially thankful for the books I read over and over again, and the books that shaped me into the person I am today.

I’m thankful for the many ways I can access books: the library (and the amazing librarians who keep it stocked with great books), Little Free Libraries, local and online booksellers, NetGalley and Edelweiss.

I’m thankful that I can still see well enough to read, and that when my eyes are too tired to focus, I can listen to audiobooks.

I’m thankful for my Kindle with its e-ink screen and scalable fonts, and for the phone apps that let me take audiobooks with me wherever I go.

I’m thankful that I have space to store the many books I own, and that my wonderful husband is so supportive of my book habit.

I’m thankful for Goodreads. It’s not perfect, but it has been incredibly helpful for book discovery, keeping track of what I have read and what I want to read, and keeping track of what I own.

What bookish things are you thankful for?

7 Responses to “A Bookwyrm’s Thanksgiving”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I have debated switching to StoryGraph, and I may at some point, but I’m worried that not all of the information I have in GR will transfer. For example, all the dates I have reread a book, along with the specific editions I read, and my private notes where I record where I got the book and for how much. If I didn’t have 12 years’ worth of reading (plus more without dates, from before I started using GR), I wouldn’t worry about it, but… I’ve got to do some digging first to see what SG can and cannot import, and whether I can afford the time to massage the data for literally thousands of books if I switch.

  1. Katherine

    Wonderful list and I so agree. I’m so thankful for my bookish blog friends and all the wonderful hours that books and authors have given me over the years – and what would I do without my Kindle and audiobooks on my phone. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!