I’ve signed up for the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge in May, hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Addicted to Happily Ever After:
For the fourth year in a row during the month of May we will be challenging you to get those advanced reading copies read! These can be e-arc’s, finished copies, audio and physical arcs. (regardless of release date) As an added bonus you will be able to schedule advanced reviews and free up your time to enjoy the warmer weather. To make things fun there will be 24 hour readathon and a grand prize for a 2016 release.
So roll up your sleeves grab your brooms and check your NetGalley stats, Edelweiss haul and those books you’ve meant to review in your ARC TBR pile..because it’s time to make a CLEAN SWEEP!
It’s a pretty busy month for me in real life (what? there is such a thing?!), so I’m setting a modest goal of reading 6 ARCs and getting their reviews written, although some of the reviews may not post during May. Hopefully a few of them will be older ARCS which will also count toward the Blogger Shame Challenge. To honor my decision to read more of what I want to read this year, I’m not picking any specific titles ahead of time; I’ll choose based on my mood at the time. I’ve got plenty to choose from, believe me!
I’ll post the books I’ve read below, and follow up with a Monthly Challenge Wrap-Up at the end of May.
Wish me luck!
ARCs Read in May:
- A Study in Sable (Mercedes Lackey) — finished
Annika @ Hiding Books
6 sounds like a good goal! I think I might aim for the same amount.. I’ll keep an eye out for your updates!
Good luck!
Yay, you’re doing it too! I’d love to read more than 6, but with everything I’ve got going on this month—freelance indexing projects, a concert I’m directing, and my college reunion—I figure 6 may end up being a stretch.