Books Read – August 2024

Title links (if there are any) go to my reviews.
- The Liar (Nora Roberts) – reread (reviewed 9/26/2019)
- Facets of the Bench (Celia Lake) – new release
- Morrigan’s Cross (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Dance of the Gods (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Valley of Silence (Nora Roberts) – reread
- Four Walls and a Heart (Celia Lake) – novella; reread
- Pastiche (Celia Lake) – reread (reviewed 8/15/2024)
- The Fossil Door (Celia Lake) – reread
- Three Tales of Gabe & Rathna (Celia Lake) – story collection; reread
- Old As the Hills (Celia Lake) – reread
- Upon a Summer’s Day (Celia Lake) – reread
- Golden Lord (Mary Jo Putney) – ARC (review to come)
- Three Graces (Celia Lake) – novella; reread
- Bound for Perdition (Celia Lake) – reread
- The Hare and the Oak (Celia Lake) – reread
These are the books I read for various challenges. Since I have not written or posted all the reviews yet, some may not show up on my 2024 Challenges tracking page (which isn’t working yet anyway.) All links go to my reviews.
Goodreads Challenge 2024: I read 15 books in August. This year, I have read 105 books read so far, and I’m closing in on my year-end goal of 125 books. (Titles listed above.) That puts me 22 books ahead of schedule. NOTE: Goodreads said the total on September 1st was 109, rather than 105 by my count. One of the “extra” book is a short story, which I am not counting as a book. Another of the extras is a duplicate (Wards of the Roses), which GR thinks I read twice in February, even though the “read” dates only show one set of dates for that month. The third extra is The Muse of Maiden Lane, which GR thinks I read once and am now reading again, and it won’t let me delete the completed reading dates. (Actually, I’m currently reading it for the first time.) I haven’t figured out where the fourth extra book is coming from.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2024: I didn’t read or review any qualifying books in August. For the year so far, 5 books read and 3 reviewed, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 16 books.
Audiobook Challenge 2024: I didn’t finish or review any audiobooks in August, but I did make progress on one. For the year, I have listened to 6 books and reviewed 3, toward my year-end goal of 10 books. I might make it by the end of the year, but it’s looking less likely.
Library Love 2024: None of the books I read or reviewed this month were library books. So far this year, I have read 3 library books and reviewed 2 of them, toward my year-end goal of 12 books. Yikes.
NetGalley & Edelweiss Challenge 2024: I read one ARC read in August (Golden Lord), but I didn’t post any reviews of current or older ARCs this month. For the year so far, I have read 16 ARCs or review copies, and reviewed 8 of them. , toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 15 books. My current NetGalley percentage is 51%; I started the year at 52%, so that’s going the wrong direction entirely.
COYER Unwind, Chapter 3 (Summer): Everything I read in August counts toward this challenge (titles listed above.) However, the only review I posted that counts for Chapter 3 is Pastiche. I didn’t post any overdue reviews for books read between January and June (COYER Unwind Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.) For the Chapter 3 challenge so far (since July 1), I have read or listened to 24 qualifying* books, updated 4 older reviews, and written 1 new review. My 3-month challenge goal is to read and review 10 qualifying books between July 1 and September 30.
*The rules are much looser for the Summer COYER challenge aka Chapter 3. To qualify: (A) the book can be in any format, including both digital and print. (B) I can get it from any source, including ARCs, gifts, books I buy or own, and books I borrow, including through Amazon Prime. (C) The price doesn’t matter. So basically, every book I read counts! Chapter 3 of the COYER Unwind Challenge began on July 1 and ends on September 30.
Other Resolutions (this month)
Writing: I didn’t write any fiction at all this month. I really want to get back to it.
Reviews posted this month: 2, so I failed to meet my goal of one review per week.
Reviews of ARCs from 2023 or earlier: None, so I failed to meet my goal of one overdue ARC per month. So far this year, I’ve written 1 review for overdue ARCs.
Prioritizing reading time over screen time: I prioritized reading over watching TV (except during the Democratic National Convention), but l did a lot of scrolling through mainstream news outlets and social media (Instagram, Threads) on my phone. I’d like to cut back on that.
Pruning and reorganizing my book collection: Due to the house renovations and all my books being packed up downstairs, this project is completely on hold until I get back from an upcoming trip. Physical books bought/received: 2. No books given away or sold.
Overall Assessment
Given all the upheaval this month with house renovations dragging on, contractors (and me) getting sick, a freelance job, Mr. Bookwyrm being away for a week, and discovering a leak in the roof, I think I did pretty well to read as many books as I did. Admittedly, they are mostly rereads; to be honest, I really needed the familiarity. I expect that to continue into the coming month, as well. I do hope to get back to writing in September. No, make that: I plan to get back to writing in September.
Anne - Books of My Heart
You did read a lot! You also had so much going on with renovations. I have purchased a bunch of Nora Roberts audios but need to start reading them! I haven’t read the books of them either.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Passions in Death by J.D. Robb #JDRobb @StMartinsPress
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I’m glad you had a good reading month. I hope September is calmer for you.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…September 2024 Book Releases