In the Dragon’s Eye: Codex Born, by Jim C. Hines

June 26, 2013 In the Dragon's Eye 4

In the Dragon’s Eye is where I share the books I’ve got my acquisitive eye on: the ones I’m really excited about and hope to add to the hoard.

 I can’t wait for Codex Born, the sequel to last summer’s Libriomancer (which I reviewed here.)  Libriomancer was seriously good fun, and Codex Born promises just as much excitement.  

According to the blurb, Isaac Vainio is doing research for the Porters, the organization created by Gutenberg to regulate and protect libriomancy — and cleared once again to practice his magic.  He’s also enjoying a relationship with Lena Greenwood, a dryad brought to life from a pulp fantasy novel.  But an organization thought to have been destroyed five centuries ago has risen again.  They’re stronger than Isaac, and they want to use Lena’s unique abilities to destroy what Gutenberg and the Porters have created, but if they do, they could unleash something even worse.  Isaac has to find a way to stop them, even as his doubts about his own organization are growing.  

I’m looking forward to finding out more about Gutenberg (still alive after all these centuries!), the Porters, and the shadowy evil arrayed against them.  Hines is exploring some interesting if sometimes uncomfortable issues with the relationship between Isaac, Lena, and the third member of the triangle, Nidhi Shah; I’m curious to see how that evolves. And even though I don’t like spiders, I want to see more of Smudge, Isaac’s fire spider.  But the best part?  More libriomancy and more references to books (especially SFF) for me to geek out over!

Codex Born is due out from DAW in hardcover on August 6, 2013.

4 Responses to “In the Dragon’s Eye: Codex Born, by Jim C. Hines”

    • Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

      Thanks! The first one was great — one of my top ten for last year. Hines is really good at balancing action, intrigue, and humor, and the libriomancy concept is fantastic (in both senses of the term.)

  1. readerholicnotes

    I have Libriomancy on my list to buy, but I couldn’t remember who had recommended it! Now I’m off to buy it.

    And I love your dragon eye…it’s great for this new feature.

    • Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

      Oh, I hope you enjoy Libriomancer! I had so much fun reading it!

      Thank you for the compliment re the dragon eye. I’m starting work on a dragon/bookwyrm-themed blog header, too.