If you’re interested in science and you read e-books, there’s a new review site specifically for science e-books called Download the Universe. Their reviews are well-written, well-edited, substantial, and apparently fair, or at least there is a reasonable ratio of positive to negative reviews. The website (or blog) looks professional and is easy to read and navigate.
The site has only been up for about a month and a half, and they already have 12 reviews and a commentary on the state of the eBook.
A recent review of Marcus Chown’s The Solar System made me want to read (and play with) the “book.” Alas, it’s available for iPad only. And that, it appears, is the only real drawback of Download the Universe. Of the seven most recent reviews, three are iPad exclusives, two are Kindle singles (presumably Kindle only), and only two can be read on some other reader, making it a somewhat frustrating website for someone who has neither a Kindle nor an iPad. Each review includes a list of formats or major retailers who sell the book, with links to the book’s purchase page(s). None of the reviews I looked at included Kobo in that list; however, the one book listed as available at Sony was also available through Kobo, so it would be worth checking ePub titles to see if they’re available at your preferred e-bookstore.