Ten Ways to Hold On to Your Light Today
If you’re fighting despair or anxiety about the the future, particularly today, you’re not alone. Today might be a good day to unplug from news and social media and focus on things that bring you joy. I’m not suggesting you tune out permanently, but there’s a lot to be said for taking time to refresh your spirit, gather your strength, and build your supportive communities.
(1) Read. Seek the comfort of an old favorite, try a new cozy fantasy, or dive into one of the books on your TBR you’ve been excited to read. (If you aren’t a reader, I’m not sure what brought you to this blog. . . but you’re welcome here! If reading’s not your thing, try an audiobook, or watch an inspiring or engrossing TV show or movie instead.)
(2) Get creative. Whether its writing, woodworking, sewing, painting, or any other creative pursuit—work on your current project, or start something new.
(3) Go outside. Walk, jog, hike, or go for a bike ride. Spend time watching birds, photographing animals, or working in your garden. Just spend some time in the natural world. (NOTE: Please dress appropriately, and if it’s dangerous to spend time outdoors due to current weather or other conditions, then opt for other ways to distract yourself in a safer environment.)
(4) Cook or bake a favorite dish. Make comfort food, whatever that means for you and your family and friends, and share it.
(5) Play games. Preferably in person, with people you can laugh and have fun with. Ban any mention of politics or personalities, and focus on enjoying the game and each other’s company. (If you’re not able to get together in person, online gaming communities or groups can work too; just make sure they are supportive rather than mean or negative.)
(6) Volunteer. Pick a cause that matters to you, and volunteer to help with it—especially if you can pitch in right now, today. Read to kids at the library, walk dogs or help socialize cats at the local shelter, take food to the local food bank or blankets or clothing to the local homeless shelter. . . whatever you can to to make your community a little bit better for everyone.
(7) Listen to music. Pick something lively and dance to it. Or choose something so lovely, so beautiful that it lifts your spirits. Or play your favorite albums and sing along.
(8) Clean your living space, or work on a project around the home. Reorganize your bookshelves, fix that squeaky door, declutter that closet or junk drawer. Choose something you can finish or at least make visible progress on in the time you have available), something you’ll feel real pride or satisfaction in once it’s done.
(9) Call a friend. Agree not to talk about anything negative or about current events, just for this call. Plan a time to get together, chat about your current projects or the TV show you’re loving, reminisce about wonderful times you’ve had together. Strengthen the bond between you with shared warmth and laughter.
(10) Spend time with your partner. I put this last, because not everyone has a partner who is supportive and loving. But if you are one of the lucky ones, then take some time together for just the two of you, in whatever ways feel caring and keep you focused on each other.
There you go! 10 ideas to help you get through today (or any day) without spiraling into anxiety and despair. Take care of yourselves and the people around you. And hold on to the light, both within and without.
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
— Desmond Tutu
Such good advice for dealing with anxiety and stress! Thanks for this. 😀
Lark@LarkWrites recently posted…Writing With Fire
Anne - Books of My Heart
Thanks for sharing these
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…This Haunted Heart by SL Prater #SLPrater @booksirens @SnyderBridgeFour #KindleUnlimited
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
All great ideas! I stayed off social media yesterday, but I did some of the things you suggested anyway.
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