The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
Last Week
I’ve actually left the house twice this week — my first ventures out in six weeks, except for socially-distanced walks. The first trip was to mail my estimated taxes at the outdoor mailbox by the Post Office. The second trip was to replace the frame on my glasses. The earpiece started breaking a week ago, so I called my eye doctor’s optical shop and asked them to order an identical frame. The new frame came in on Friday, so, I drove into town (the nearest city) to pick it up. A masked and gloved technician came out to the car, collected my glasses on a tray, took them inside and swapped my lenses into the new frame and made adjustments based on my old pair, and brought them out to me in a bag. (I wore a mask, too.) Unfortunately, when I tried to restart the car, the battery was dead, so Mr. Bookwyrm had to drive all the way there to jumpstart my car!
We got out for a walk on Saturday, and watched some good shows this week. And I’m almost finished with sock #2! I hope you’re all healthy, and managing to do or read or watch things that help keep your spirits up.
Last Week on the Blog
- Happy Easter! Sunday Post – 4/12/2020
- Swallows And Amazons by Arthur Ransome – book review
- News & Notes – 4/18/2020
- Sunday Post – 4/19/2020 – this post
This Week on the Blog
- Book Titles That Would Make Great Band Names – Top Ten Tuesday
- Watson on the Orient Express (Elliott & Veley) – book review
- His Bride For the Taking by Tessa Dare – book review
- News & Notes – 4/25/2020 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 4/26/2020 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished rereading Close Up (Amanda Quick; ARC) and Swallows and Amazons, and then read Watson on the Orient Express (Anna Elliott and Charles Veley; both ARC and Kindle purchase.) Now I’m rereading Once a Soldier by Mary Jo Putney (reviewed in 2016.) (Click title to view book on Goodreads, or read my review.)
Listening: I finished listening to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and started Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Watching: I am watching the Lord Peter Wimsey series starring Ian Carmichael; so far, I’ve finished Clouds of Witness and The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club. We finished the last episode of Star Trek: Picard, which was quite good and very satisfying. And we watched the 25th Anniversary production of The Phantom of the Opera, filmed at the Royal Albert Hall in 2011, which was on “The Shows Must Go On” (YouTube.) Wow! We loved it!
Added to the Hoard
For Review or Review Consideration

Many thanks to Wilton Press for Watson on the Orient Express! They approved the ARC almost a week after I bought a copy, but that’s OK.
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle (all on sale): Rebel; To Be Taught, If Fortunate; The Book Jumper (Click title for Goodreads page.)
I am envious of your social distanced walk, as an apartment dweller. We are allowed to go out once in 3 days for essential groceries. Sigh! I hope we get through this soon.
Gayathri recently posted…Red, White & Royal Blue – A book review
Yes… I gave my car a run for the first time in nearly a fortnight and was worrying about the battery. I hope the glasses are now more comfortable – there are things that CANNOT wait until after the lockdown lifts! Glad you are enjoying the Lord Peter Wimsey series. I loved the books so much, I couldn’t get to grips with the character on the screen, though I think he does a solidly good job. Have a peaceful week:))
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books
It’s been a couple of weeks since I went anywhere other than my once a day government sanctioned walk… I never thought staying home would be so exhausting!
Enjoy your books and hope you have a good week!
The Book Jumper has been on my to-read list for months. Not sure why I haven’t tried it yet. Also unsure why I haven’t watched Picard, since Patrick Stewart is just wonderful and my boyfriend’s actually considering a paid subscription service to watch this show (this is very serious, indeed).
Mary recently posted…The Sunday Post
Right now, you can stream Picard for free, according to the ads I’ve been seeing — so you might look into that! (That’s if you’re in the US and can stream on CBS all access. If you are elsewhere, you probably have to subscribe to Netflix or something.) Anyway, I hope you watch it, because it was amazing!
I’ve been trying to at least start my car once a week, because I’m so afraid it’s just going to die in the driveway!
Nikki @ The Bibliophibian
I had to have my glasses fixed this week too! I was so worried it’d just end up being impossible, but the whole situation was actually really well set up. Glad you got yours, too!
I really liked To Be Taught, If Fortunate — I hope you do too!
Nikki @ The Bibliophibian recently posted…Weekly Roundup
I hadn’t even thought about starting my car – I hope it’s okay after 5 weeks of not being driven! I’ve gone out a few times over the past 5 weeks, but always in my husband’s car, so mine hasn’t been touched.
I take a walk or 2 daily, but since I live in an apartment, it’s just through the parking lot. Far from exciting or even pretty. But a chance to get out and stretch my legs is still nice.
Stay safe and have a great week!
What bad timing for your glasses to break now, at least it seems they took the necessary precautions to keep you and themselves safe at the store. And then your car battery being empty as well, that’s nice your husband could drive over to jump start the car at least. It is nice weather for walks here too and I’ve been out for some walks as well. Have a good week and stay safe!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #383
Ashley @ BookishRealmReviews
So glad that you got the opportunity to get out of the house! I don’t think I’ve really left the house in a while. I try to keep myself and the baby in the house as much as possible except when we go on our afternoon walks. Great post!
Lark, it all sounds like a very organised and professional visit to the opticians, in light of the current social distancing! Shame your car let you down though! Sod’s law that is! 😅 I am also pleased you have found books and TV shows to keep your spirits up. I have been reading in the garden, cooking some new recipes and watching a lot of films to keep my spirits up.
I hope you and yours stay safe, happy and healthy this coming week! 🙂
jessicabookworm recently posted…Sunday Reflection | 19th April 2020
It was reassuring that they were taking such good precautions. I hope you have a good week, too. Reading in the garden sounds lovely!
Anne - Books of My Heart
oh no! I had my own car issues to fix this week. I have nobody but AAA so I have to be careful. I don’t enjoy going out at all. I do appreciate how some businesses have made it easier to distance though. (Discount Tire)
I have managed to knit for a year now with moving and now this. Soon! I’ve managed some sewing and quilting at least.
Stay safe and have a great week!
Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Read A Series in a Month Challenge May 2020
We considered calling AAA, and of course if I were on my own, I would have. But it was nice to know my husband could come rescue me without me having to contact anyone else. I’m glad you were able to get your tires taken care of!
What a mess getting the glasses fixed must have felt like! I’ve killed a battery or two and it’s so frustrating but glad you were able to get it remedied quickly. I’ve been doing a Wentworth reread and I’m always reread Christie so lately I’ve been thinking I need to pay more attention to Sayers. I’ve only read a couple and I think Lord Peter Wimsey needs more attention! Stay safe and have a great week!
The glasses are two years old, so I was really thankful that they were able to order me a duplicate frame. I did NOT want to try on frames or go into the office, so if they hadn’t been able to get the frames, I would have been ordering glasses online.
I highly recommend reading more Lord Peter books! Especially the four with Harriet Vane — Strong Poison, Have His Carcase, Gaudy Night, and Busman’s Honeymoon. But I love most of the books, to be honest.
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I’m glad you were able to get new glasses! I planned on getting new ones, but then the virus thing started, so my eyes are not high priority anymore. I hope you have a great week!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #220
I can’t read without my glasses, or see the TV clearly, and I wouldn’t want to drive without them, either. So I was relieved they could order me an identical set of frames to transfer my lenses into!
Glad to hear you’re doing well! Hope this week turns out to be a good one. 😀
Lark recently posted…Two more from my TBR shelf….(because my library is still closed!)
Thank you, Lark! I hope you have a good week, too.
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I wonder about what sort of delay there will be for season 2 of Picard, I’m really looking forward to it.
Wishing you a great reading week and good health
They really can’t start filming again until it’s safe for people to gather in large groups. And I doubt anyone want to risk Patrick Stewart’s health. So I expect it will be quite a while.
I’m glad we live in a house with a backyard. It at least allows for me to be able to let my son run around as the weather is getting warmer.
Your new bookish additions look really good!
Lily recently posted…Sophia Rose Review: 21-Day Arthritis Diet Plan: Nutrition Guide and Recipes to Fight Osteoarthritis Pain and Inflamation by Ana Reisdorf, M.D.
It’s great that you have a back yard! Our yard needs a lot of work and I am NOT a gardener. (Plus, I hate hot weather.) But once restrictions ease a little, I may see about getting some work done on it.
Bea's Book Nook
I need to take my car out for a spin. I also need to pick up a prescription. I tried to get it delivered but no luck so I’ll pick it up and exercise my car. I’m glad you were able to get your frames, car trouble and all.
I listened to the first Harry Potter and really enjoyed the narration. I hadn’t read it in years and there was so much I’d forgotten.
Enjoy your reads and take care of yourself!
Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Steph Reviews: Midlife Bounty Hunter: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel By Shannon Mayer
It’s good to take your car out once in a while, if only to discourage critters from moving in! Bang on your hood first, so anything that might be hiding in your engine there gets out. Does your pharmacy have a drive-through window? That would minimize any contact.
Bea's Book Nook
Sadly, no drive-thru. They are illegal in my town. The joy of small town life. I forgot about banging on the hood, that’s a good idea.
Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Bea Reviews Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras
Interesting. I’m in a small town, too (actually more of a semi-rural, exurban county), and our local CVS has a drive-through window. But local ordinances and laws differ so much from place to place.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
Yikes, it sounds like your trip to the eye doctor was quite the adventure!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Rain-Songs by Paul Laurence Dunbar
It was fine until the battery died! I mean, they did a great job with the social distancing. The battery was a bit annoying, but thank goodness Mr. Bookwyrm came to my rescue. He’s my knight in shining…. well, mostly sweatpants these days LOL!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
LOL, now I have visions of sparkly sweatpants… 😉
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Why Marriage Was Invented by Judith Viorst
No, no sparkles! But I am envisioning our ancient green minivan as his trusty steed. 🙂