Tag: knitting

WIP Wednesday – July 3, 2024

WIP Wednesday – July 3, 2024

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  Tour de Fleece Spinning Tour de Fleece 2024 began on June 29 and will end on July 21. My only goals are to spin at… Read more »



WIP Wednesday – 07/13/2023

WIP Wednesday – 07/13/2023

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  I know I’m a day late posting these, but it’s been so long since I did a WIP Wednesday post that I decided not to… Read more »


WIP Wednesday, 11/23/2022 – Hats for Survivors

WIP Wednesday, 11/23/2022 – Hats for Survivors

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  Knitting Finished projects This is really more of a FO (Finished Objects) post than a WIP (Work in Progress) post! For the last three months,… Read more »


WIP Wednesday – 7/07/2022

WIP Wednesday – 7/07/2022

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  It’s a long time since I did a WIP Wednesday post! (And yes, I know it’s Thursday. Humor me, okay? It’s been a tough week.)… Read more »


WIP Wednesday –2/02/2022

WIP Wednesday –2/02/2022

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  I have been really lax about doing WIP Wednesday posts. In part that is because I haven’t been doing as much spinning and knitting recently,… Read more »


WIP Wednesday, 10/27/2021

WIP Wednesday, 10/27/2021

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  Spinning I spun up the BFL (Blue Faced Leicester) wool that Robin gave me for Christmas. It was hand-painted by Quillin Fiber Arts in her… Read more »


My Non-Bookish Hobbies

My Non-Bookish Hobbies

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Non-Bookish Hobbies. I am, first and foremost, a reader. Books and reading take up a significant portion of my spare time. But… Read more »


WIP Wednesday – August 8, 2020

WIP Wednesday – August 8, 2020

WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.  Spinning I plied most of the Moonstone merino, but I still have a bit more on one bobbin. I’m trying to decide whether to chain-ply… Read more »

