Bookish Goals for 2025

January 14, 2025 Top Ten Tuesday 18

Bookwyrm's Hoard graphic: My Bookish Goals for 2025
Graphic: Top Ten Tuesday,

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Bookish Goals for 2025.

My Bookish Goals for 2025

These are more like general goals, rather than specific challenges or targets. I signed up for some challenges, including some that tie in with one or more goals below, but the challenges got their own posts.

Get back to writing. No excuses. I need to make this a priority.

Spend less time scrolling through social media and more time reading. I don’t even need to explain this one, do I?

Read more of the books I own. I own a lot of physical books I haven’t yet read, and even more Kindlebooks. It’s rather embarrassing, tbh.

Read some of the books Robin has recommended to me. I have a whole personal challenge for this one. Robin knows me really well, and I have loved most of the books they have recommended to me in the past, so I’m not sure why I’m so far behind on reading these.

Read more library books. There’s no downside, other than the wait time for popular new releases. And it makes sense to read a book before I decide whether to buy it—assuming the library has a copy. (I did sign up for the Library Love challenge this year.)

Review more of the books I read. Especially the ARCs! I’m off to a decent start on this goal. I have reviews written for three of the five books I have finished so far this year, I’m working on a fourth, and the remaining one is a reread that I reviewed years ago.

Unpack my books onto my bookshelves. This has been on my to-do list since September, and it’s way overdue. (An explanation: We had the floors redone in most of the house in August, which required packing everything in those rooms into the basement. Then we had the walls painted. Since then, I have spent about 10 weeks out of state on two separate trips. While we have put much of our stuff back in place, I haven’t gotten around to reshelving my books yet. . .and it’s driving me nuts.)

Reorganize my books as I reshelve them. I want to rethink where some of them end up. I need more room for my writing and research books in my study/office, and maybe that’s not the best place for my children’s books. Other categories, like sci-fi and fantasy, will go back to their original shelves.

Catalog my books as I reshelve them. I plan to use use Book Collectorz (a phone app and PC program) for this.

18 Responses to “Bookish Goals for 2025”

  1. Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings

    We have many of the same goals – more writing, read more and scroll less and read what is on my shelf already being at the top. I didn’t mention the writing more on my list today but it’s just an unspoken one for me! I want to release another book in my cozy mystery series this year so I need to get writing!
    Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: My Bookish Goals for 2025My Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I hope so too. I’ve been replacing some of my social media with actual communities on Discord—people who share specific interests (like writing) and are generally very supportive of each other.

  2. Katherine

    Great list of goals! I’m hoping to make progress on both the books that are actually on my shelves and my library book lists. And I definitely need to spend less time on social media. I very rarely feel like I get anything positive out of spending time on social media. Looking forward to seeing what you read!
    Katherine recently posted…My 2025 Classics ListMy Profile

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