Dear Santa… (Top Ten Tuesday)

December 24, 2013 Top Ten Tuesday 6


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week’s topic is Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me.  

  • A Kindle Paperwhite.  Much as I have loved my sturdy Sony PRS-505, its slow page turns have become too frustrating, especially now that I’m reading so many e-ARCs and ebooks.  Besides, it’s been getting a little flaky recently.
  • The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge.  Not just any copy, but this one, which is hardcover and has the original illustrations.  It’s a childhood favorite that still delights me.
  • Seraphina by Rachel Hartman, because I love it and I don’t have a copy.
  • Bastion by Mercedes Lackey.  I’ve already read it, but I collect all her Valdemar books in hardcover.
  • Elemental Magic: All New Tales of the Elemental Masters edited by Mercedes Lackey.  Short stories set in another of her worlds, this one an alternate early-twentieth-century Britain where elemental magic exists.
  • A Beautiful Blue Death  (or any of the subsequent Charles Lenox mysteries) by Charles Finch.  I read the most recent book, and really enjoyed it, so I want to go back and read the whole set.
  • The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker.  I really liked it when I read the e-ARC, and will probably want to reread it before the sequel comes out (I hear tell there will be one!)
  • The Serial Garden by Joan Aiken.  A collection of all her Armitage short stories.  I read these as a child and adored them; I’d love to re-read them but neither of my local library systems has a copy.
  • Anything by Jessica Day George, but especially Tuesdays in the Castle and the Princesses trilogy, because my daughter took some of hers to college.
  • Old, out-of-print titles by Mary Balogh, because she isn’t republishing them fast enough!
  • A good book on WordPress for non-techies, because it’s time for me to a) set up a website for my indexing business and b) switch the blog to WordPress.

 I could come up with plenty more; there are mystery series I’m missing parts of, fantasy novels I want to read (both adult and YA), and a few historical romances I wanted to read but didn’t get around to this year.  But I’m also increasingly aware that shelf space is limited, even with the extra shelves in the basement.  Between that and the budget, I’ve been borrowing books or reading ebooks more often, except for authors I love and re-read over and over.  Many of the authors and books above fall into that category, or I think that they will on closer acquaintance.

What are you hoping that Santa brings you?

6 Responses to “Dear Santa… (Top Ten Tuesday)”

    • Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

      Thank you, Lianne! I think you’d enjoy Seraphina (and it is really good.)

      I did — I got the Kindle, The Little White Horse, and Elemental Magic. I hope you found some good ones under your tree, too!

  1. Stephanie Shepherd

    I love that you have a particular edition of a childhood favorite on there. I have a few of those two but didn’t include them. Seraphina was also one of my favorite reads this year and it would be great to re-read just before the sequel comes out…